Monday, November 19, 2012

The republican conondrum

Now that America has heard the top ten reasons why romney lost (going on 25 at last count), the truth is obvious, the republican message sucks.

1. Your messenger was carrying your message; romney did not create the GOP platform or pander to all of its radical constituencies on his own. Do the republicans really plan to ditch the homphobes, true believing radical Christians and those who see America as it existed fifty years ago? Romney never criticized the nut jobs nor distanced himself from their comments. Why?

2. The modern day GOP is built on separatism and dividing the country; it is called maker vs. takets, job creators vs. welfare queens, the successful vs. the food stamp nation; ready to actually practice some real inclusion with that idealogy? Talk with a republican and within a few minutes you'll hear the 'us' and 'them' line of bs.

3. Government is never the solution, it is always the problem; that is except when you want the public to bail out the banks which gambled us to the brink, when you insist on favoring industries which required corporate welfare even when profitable and when you continue to use government as tool to enforce social policies which your side favors vs. what the majority believes.

Reform requires real commitment to changing your bad habits; and the first step in that is to admit you might have some. So far what we have seen from the Jindals, Barbours and others is totally cosmetic and not substantive.

1. No one likes a loser particulary after you have chosen that loser as your standard bearer and spent a few billion to get him elected;

2. Victory has a thousand parents; defeat is an orphan;

3. Nothing is so clarifying as to have your candidate and his (your?) message rejected by a majority of the electorate.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

(1st draft) - The utopian vision

of hindsight. Longing for the 50's and 60's.
The recent election of 2012 brought into focus an almost mythical characterization og the 1950's. The nmedia likes to characterize the c omposition of the republican/ tea-party/ right-wing base as the white man who longs for the 1950's.
Well who is the people who long for the 1950's. Most likely not those lived them as adults. Think about that - 18 in 1950 would make one 80 today so its mostly those who were children are the majority that make up the group that romanitize the 1950's

But what are the social/ economic eleements the characterized the 1950's?
1) jobs / empolyment\
2) level / state of education
3) characteristics of the population then vs. 2012.
4) taxiation
5) transportation -  auto / air / rr.
6) make-up of work.
7) only country left standing
8) WWII - political/economic-mass production /  labor force.
9) the incentives to relocate between states and cities.
10) myth of free market
11) right to work [anti-union]
12) emerging from WWII as the only power
13) the mercantilist empire
14) the white world vision thing
15) gthe 1950's last vestige of the regional economy that came to be as the USA developed in the USA as it grew and evloved.
16) the agricultural transformation -
The other thing about the agricultural-industrial complex is that it has gutted the populace of the ag states, turning them from the self-reliant small farmer-citizens into financially disenfranchised farm laborers. This is a key driver for the anger. They distrust the federal government for good reason- ag policy has destroyed their way of life. And as a consequence, the nation as a whole has lost an important part of what made us great- small farmers and the small local industry of tinkerers that they foster was traditionally one of the engines that fuel manufacturing innovation- and serve as a stabilizing political force.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The things that influenced me. (4-27-2013)

1) Well, isn't it always one's mother - rreading/travel/nature/family-ancestors/architecture-design/history/

2) The location - the earliest english experience west of the appliciations/railroads/industry/technology

3) G. Washington  - prototype of leader

4) Thomas Edison - the practical creative/technology

5) Braddock expedition - military/ logistics

6) Brownsville - economics/patterns of development/evolution.

7) roots of architecture/urban design. - Colonial villages/walkable places

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The best read on the elction yet!

Watch for it. That moment in the debate were it becomes clear that the zingers are not enough, or the other gimmicks they are training him for run their course and he's left standing there with just himself, his authentic self to draw from. Obama will be kind if not even generous in the moment, but make no mistake he will finish Romney right then and there. Because that's what a winner does when it's winning time. - BadGimp @ DemocraticUnderground 9-30-2012.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Chicago - mass transit that serves nowhere (3-28-2013)

nowhere. The failure of a transit strong American city. Service to a lot of locations is poor or non-existent. Case in point: Soldier Field, McCormick Place, Navy Pier, United Center, Comiskey Park vs. Wrigley Field.

mass transit accellorate development. Answer: it doesn't. It creates disfunctional development that ultimately fails and leads to urban decline.
My 14 years here - discovered several thimngs about chicago - its history / influence of roads, railroads and transit. growth , mid-west sensibility.
the magnets of development. south loop railyard / near wset side / ball parks / future of gambling.
party twons  -  america has seven: New York, Miami, New Orleans, Chicago, Vegas, LA, SF.

How tying the major magnets into & together with mass transit would accellorate economic development by achieving two factorors: ability of the workers to get to their jobs easily and economically. and secondly, provide the visitors to these venues with a variety of choices of how to get to these places.

-transit corridors are natural avenues of development.
- Brookfield / Hollywood / Congress-Park stations.- a set of suggested development principles.
- Chicago's major mistake - no mass transit to entertainment venues.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The NFL maintains twice the

number of players that it actually uses. What does that say about labor? American labor in general. Twice the number of workers, so a 50% umployment rate is acceptable.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Medicare Differences

The New Republic's Jonathon Cohn has an exhaustive guide to the Medicare debate playing out in this election. Or, nearly exhaustive, because of course neither Romney or Ryan has produced sufficient details to answer all of the questions Cohn poses.
But here are his key questions: 1) How do the plans control Medicare spending; 2) How quickly do the plans cut spending; 3) On whom do the plans place the most risk; and 4) What else would the plans (and the men behind them) do to the health care system? And here's a quick chart of Cohn's analysis

An executive summary of the differences from a article at Daily Kos by Joan McCarter, 'The Most-definitive Gude to the Medicare Debate'.

1. How do the plans control Medicare spending?
In the case of the Affordable Care Act, through "reductions in what Medicare paid providers—that is, doctors, hospitals, and suppliers of medical goods," using information about where Medicare is overpaying and introducing incentives for increasing quality of care. In the case of Romney/Ryan, market competition—moving Medicare to a privatized, voucher system.
2. How quickly do the plans cut spending?
This is a harder one to nail down, for both plans, since there are so many factors at play. But, in essence, the Affordable Care Act cuts $716 billion (that number is subject to change) in the next 10 years, extending the program's solvency to 2024. The Romney/Ryan current voucher plan doesn't really supply enough specifics to know how quickly spending cuts will unfold, but those cuts will likely be harsher if Romney/Ryan followed through on their promise to restore the ACA cuts, the same cuts Ryan included in his budget. They'd also be harsher because Romney has a budget cap, a hard target for spending. Keeping Medicare spending to a hard target will mean "a more severe spending cut than Ryan’s or Obama’s."
3. On whom do the plans place the most risk?
That's an easy one, and also the most important question of the whole debate. With the Affordable Care Act: "[I]t does not undermine the basic guarantee to seniors—that, upon retirement, every American will get a comprehensive set of insurance benefits." There is the very real possibility that access with be more of a problem, if providers start dropping Medicare patients because of reduced payments, but seniors will still have comprehensive insurance. The Romney/Ryan plan would force seniors to pay more, and does put the future of the program as it exists today at risk.
4. What else would the plans (and the men behind them) do to the health care system?
Obviously, the Affordable Care Act expands access to affordable health insurance and to a key program for providing health care to lower-income people: Medicaid. Romney/Ryan's plans for Medicaid would drastically cut the program, shrinking access to health care for millions, including many seniors. It would force states to have to prioritize who got health care, forcing states to become de facto death panels

To Joan , thanks for this work. I copied it to remember these points for arguement.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Isn't this what right-wingers believe

about Obama? While not my work - This says it best: courtesy 'NonPartay" @ HP.

They should really cast Obama as the next James Bond. He's obviously the best Secret Agent that's ever lived. Just as he was born, he was able to slip out of a Kenyan hospital, plant his own birth announcement in two separate Hawaiian

Sunday, August 12, 2012

2016 election.

I'll say this here and now, the candidates for the two major parties in 2016 will be individuals currently not on the radar. The baby boom generation is exiting and a younger, more diverse generation is taking hold. The effective and likely candidates will be from unique, non-political can-do backgrounds and get in late. Four year running candidates will be shunned. The winning candidate will keep America's historic promise to the elderly while describing a path for the other generations to have and keep the American dream. Obama will ultimately win in 2012, and none of the existing names - Hillary, Jeb, et. al. or Ryan will be seen as viable. I love youth for all its frailities. This from an aging baby boomer.

This election may actually break the Republican party apart and in the process reset the entire American political system. I've brought this up elsewhere but 2016 will be the true first election of the new century. None, I repeat none of the current crop of potential or under consideration candidates for President will be seen as relevant. Jeb, Hillary, Timmy, Ryan, Liz,  you name them will appear out of sync with the world of 2016. The effective candidates will get in late and come with a solutions based background that projects fairness and equality. The party that satisifies the baby boomers fears and needs while appealing to the new American electorate will dominate for a generation. Technology/information, meaningful living, energy/environment  are reshaping the paradigm. I'm a child of the sixties and want to see the dream as reality before I move on.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

If Romney wins, what can we expect?

If Romney wins, what can Americans expect?
With a Romney win, the US House and Senate are likely to be both Republican dominated. The agenda, in the first one hundred days will be furious. As DeMitt indicated, he believes every thing must be pushed through in that time frame because after that the American people will Wake UP and demand a more sane policy regarding domestic and foreign issues.

First off, forget any serious effort at social issues. That is Abortion. gay rights and health care. Republicans talk the talk but don't particularly care about these. They love the anger these issues generate but don;t like to waste political capital legislating against these. Health care in particular will get starved to death or obstructed on a state level. With no money available to implement Obama Cares, health care spending as a percentage of GDP will grow while more continue to lose their health insurance. Medicaid will be gutted, leaving about 35%  to 40% of the  population without heath insurance or the ability to pay for health care by 2016.

Regarding defense spending. More is better. But how much is waste? Romney has vowed to increase spending significantly, in the range of $250-$500 billion yearly. With no accountability and no source of increased Federal revenues other than 'trust me'. The bulk of the increase goes to weapons purchases, keeping much of old "Cold War' weapons systems in place'. Very little bang for the dollar.

On foreign affairs, I don't see a major shift in the short run, except regarding Iran. Romney, surrounded by Bush people, wants a face-off against Iran in order to prove he too is a war-time President. No one in their right mind believes Iran will be a cake-walk and the cost in treasure and lives would leave the USA near bankruptcy once the illusion of a short, quick war fades. The likelihood of increased terrorism directed at America targets both domestically and internationally   will sap the fortitude of the public.

It's clear where he wants to go by his verbal abandonment of the 'honest=broker' position the USA as held since 1967 when he mocked the Palestinians during his little foreign policy tour. It gives Israel a clear signal to end the false two state solution and annex the west-bank into Israel proper.

Domestic economic issues, however, are where Republicans want to leave a permanent stamp. Extending the complete Bush tax cuts are their primary goal. Secondly, adding the additional 20% tax cut Romney loves to hype is their  real objective. And this is where the real damage to the America economy comes from. So far, the Bush tax cuts, war with Iran, and increased defense spending deliveries an annual Federal deficit of around 1.5 to 1.75 trillion. The added 20% breaks the bank.

Here's why! How much were income taxes cut for the average American in the much-maligned Stimulus?  And the stimulus is set to expire. Well, it was greater than 20%. So, right-off the top, an average American income tax payer will see a modest income tax increase, under the guise of a tax cut. How fair is that? But, wait, the annual deficit is now running 2.5 trillion. Here is where Romney has solutions but are they realistic? He proposes numerous fixes in the tax code to make his 20% tax cut revenue neutral by ending or cutting back hundreds of specific income tax deductions, credits and
incentives to large and small business as well as those favoring the American public.  But will Congress go along. I seriously doubt it and here's why!

Take the talk of ending the homeowners interest deduction. Want to end home ownership has we
know it? The mortgage banking, real estate, home building and home improvement industries, who pay big money in annual lobby fees, will cry and howl and bring Congress to its knees. Imagine first time home purchasing falling completely off the cliff. I can't, so that's going to be a no-no. The same of course, holds for the hundreds of other tax credits, deductions and incentives. Corporate America doesn't spend millions yearly lobbying Congress to just decide, hey, let's give up this favorably tax environment we spend millions creating. Nearly all Corporate America pays little or no taxes under current law, do you think they are willing to pay another cent. It ain't going to happen. Corporations will replace every one of the tax increasers.

So, now America is looking at annual deficits in the range of 3 trillion.

Monday, July 23, 2012

What this election will really decide -

How large is the low-educated, no analytical skills voting group. In my review: 15% benefit from the current economic arrangement and they break 75%/25% republican. About another 10-12% are progressive.Same number conservative but uncertain about this group. Another 10% on each side back whatever. And the other 40%, well, fortunately half don't vote. It's the half that do, I'm worried about.

Friday, July 13, 2012

What's behind romney's past secrets?

Well, I have my take:

Is this just another hysterical episode from the romney campaign or the real deal? If this runs another week then it will burn until the convention. If romney survives the nomination what will he look like on Labor Day, the start of the final run?

And here's some-one else's thinking:

An Andrew Sullivan reader who is an securities attorney writes:

"The average voter is more like a member of a jury than an SEC board member or securities lawyer. Here is the case that I would make against Romney on this issue, in a nutshell:

He was listed as President, CEO, and sole stockholder of Bain until 2002 on SEC filings that carry criminal penalties if they are false.

He doesn’t dispute that he owned the company, lock, stock and barrel.

During that time we know that he was paid at least $100,000 - an enormous sum to most jurors. You don’t get paid that kind of money for doing nothing.

We don’t know how much more he was paid because he won’t release his taxes.

Before he ran for Governor of Mass in 2002, he talked about how he attended board meetings for Staples and Marriott – two Bain Companies during that time period.

He is responsible, like all CEOs, for what Bain did through 2002.

He says it took three years to "change the name of the CEO"? Bain would target a company, swoop in, divert all the cash, pick the bones, fire the employees and be gone in less time than that.

His story is (insert synonym for BS)

Then, when opposing counsel wanted to argue Romney wasn’t paying attention to particular deals, that SEC document was for Bain LP, not Bain Capital, LLC, or whatever, I would just let him talk. All it does is make him look like more of a BS artist.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

This says it best -

Every Romney speech and statement I hear is almost entirely about Obama. It's as if Romney himself doesn't exist except as a fun-house mirror reflecting a wildly false view of the president. Is this how he expects to win?

Monday, June 25, 2012

complete communities (4-27-2013)

the better description for - complete communities

only communities composed of multi-options, diversity and inclusive will survive and remain successfully functional and effective in the 21st century. They will be characterized as equitable, affordable, sustainable and walkable. The specific components are housing, work, services, amenties, movign and thriving. whose factors include: quality education; access to good jobs, affordable housing; affordable healthy food; affordable health services; ability to enjoy amenities; access to recreation and parks; meaningful civic engagement; affordable transportation choices.

As in all communities, decision-making models fall into three categories: grand plan by primary elements (government/business)/almost no deliberate and/or subconscious actions by individuals and small-entities. moderate planning/moderate actions. liitle or no planning/primarily actions.

The secret and charm of community is its diversity and level of human interaction achieved by creating walkable urban-style environments. 'Spontaneous' diversity (on all levels-primary & secondary)  is generated by planting seeds.
four conditions are all necessary and indispensible.
1) must serve more than one primary function and preferably more than two.
+ insuse people to go outside on different schedules
   (people distributed throughout the time of day)
   (factor of users spread through time of day)
   (maximum person/times - when needed most for time balance)
- mid-afternoons(2-5)
- evenings
- saturdays/sundays
+ are there for different purposes (residents/workers/irregulars/tourists)
+ use many facilities in common
+ a waterfront itself is the first asset capable of drawing people.
+ primary uses - anchors/bring people to a specific place/ can be unusual / attractors of people
+ secondary uses - enterprises that respond to the presence of primary uses / serve people &  flourishes sufficiently /  contains enough of unusual & unique.
+ primary uses mixtures - to preform effectivel/overlap/use same streets/some of same facilities
   (incubate operation/incubators of enterprises)
+ constant replacement - less with more intensive/no artificially induced dispersion,only centripetal   forces/courts of honor[formal design]/functional & economic needs of the place/
+ mingled city - individual architectural focal pts./intimately surrounded by everyday matrix in harmony w/economic-functional behavior.
+ each primary use needs imtimate matrix with its secondary diversity.
+ primary uses - complexity & variety. {place requires a grid/network/overlap of primary uses]

2) most blocks must be short; streets and opportunities to turn corners must be frequent
+ isolated, discrete street neighborhoods are apt to be helpless socially.
+ monotony - endless stores/depressing predominance of commercial standardization.
+ consolidation, scale of support, scale of convenience.
+ no stringent physical segregation of regular users
+ streets containing buildings where things could start up & grow at spots economically viable
+ various alternative routes to choose
+ mutual paths - mixed & mingled.
+ supply of fleasible spots for commerce.
+ distribution / convenience of placement.

article @ The Atlantic Cities / Irvine Minnesota Inventory.

All of this means is that truly walkable urban communities are much more economically vibrant than their drivable suburban neighbors.  Creating a  supply of walkable urban neighborhoods, substituting 'walkable urban' for “drivable suburban”.

What do most people want in the way of a community? A functional, safe, economically effective, place that provides a diversity of choices for residence, work, entertainment, recreation, transportation, services and human needs. Additionally, people want walkable, energy-efficient, more sustainable places that offer racial and ethnic diversity, prosperity, and stability.

I've been emphasizing this point for years - America needs to re-invent its cities for two reasons - and this is one; the other is energy. I don't see America giving up the individual transportation module (car) any time soon (say the next 100 years) but with fossil fuels ending and thus more expensive, living in suburban is not going to work. the cost and inconvenience will not sustain itself. Small to mid-sized cities would do well as bloomer-centric hubs, particular those with good mass transit and several features that attract activity. With small electric powered cars, zones with a 5-mile radius will be ideal especially with the availibility of transit.We live in an older suburb of Chicago - 95% of everything we need is within 5 miles, everything one would want or need + rail and mass transit & easy access to 3 interstates. And yes, we have our few square feet of grass.
However, many will always live rurally and in the far out suburbs - energy and the recent economic phase shift will pull more people into the cities , particularly if cities can regain employment centers and prove 'safety.

Regarding my two point - that America will have to/must re-invent its cities and suburban centers because of energy.

establishment of suburban villages around transport corridors. (an example - suburban chicago) What is required is an easement from zoning regulations allowing for three or four story multi-use development an eighth of a mile around a designated transport service stop, and three story multi-residence development a quarter of a mile around a designated transport stop. The multi-use zone should allow for both ground level retail and ground and/or second story professional uses, with townhouse residences above. The easement should also include a maximum allowed parking minimum, with allowance to include pooled parking in the zone to meeting parking minimums

As it was originally designed, Outer Suburbia and Exurbia was designed to fail in an era where increasing energy efficiency will be a fundamental platform for ongoing growth. However, its possible to retrofit Outer Suburbia and Exurbia to a more sustainable design

All across the U.S., residential exurbs that sprouted on the edge of metropolitan areas are seeing their growth fizzle, according to new 2011 census estimates released Thursday.
"The heyday of exurbs may well be behind us," Yale University economist Robert J. Shiller said. Shiller, co-creator of a Standard & Poor's housing index, is perhaps best known for identifying the risks of a U.S. housing bubble before it actually burst in 2006-2007. Examining the current market, he believes America is now at a turning point, shifting away from faraway suburbs to cities amid persistently high gasoline prices.
"Suburban housing prices may not recover in our lifetime," Shiller said, calling the development of suburbs since 1950 "unusual," enabled only by the rise of the automobile and the nation's highway system

If values (property values below replacement cost) are sliding because of the cost of travel per mile in an area that requires a lot of miles of travel to get things done, there are two responses that can boost value:
  • Reduce the numbers of miles that need to be traveled to get things done, and
  • Reduce the cost of transport per mile
Both of these goals may be pursued with the same policy response.
(1) Suppose that you had a small, multi-use "suburban village" that was in relatively easy travel distances.
(2) Suppose that the suburban village was connected by lower cost transport to additional suburban villages as well as to one or more larger urban multi-use areas

Notes from 'The Oregon Experiment', 1975, Christopher Alexander, et. al., Oxford University Press.

1) organic order - planning and construction is guided by a process which allows the whole to emerge gradually from local acts. The kind of order achieved when there is a perfect balance between the needs of the parts and the needs of the whole. The community shall not adopt any form of physical master plan, but instead shall adopt a process. The process enables the community to draw its order from a communal pattern language. The process is administered by a single planning board of less than ten members, made up of users and ____________ in equal numbers, and a director of planning (supported by a staff ). It is impossible to fix today what the environment should be like 20 years from today, then steer the process of development toward that fixed, imaginary world.

2) participation - all decisions about building are in the hands of the users. what to build, how to build it. User design team for each proposed building, and only those designs initiated by users will be considered.

3) piecemeal growth - construction undertaken in each cycle will be weighed overwhelmingly towards small projects. piecemeal growth is essential to create organic order, growth and repair, in order to maintain balance and coordination, the quality of the whole. To maintain morphological integration repair must conserve a pre-ordained order and adapt continuously to changing uses and activiities. gradual sequence of changes, distributed across all levels and scales. good environments have in common whole & alive due to slow growth over long period, piece by piece. adapting to changing users and needs.

4) patterns - design and construction guided by communally adopted planning principles called patterns, covering all levels (macro / micro).

5) diagnosis - well being of whole protected by annual diagnosis  which explains which spaces are alive and which ones are dead at any given moment. Planning staff along with the users of individual spaces will prepare an annual diagnostic map for the entire environment. This diagnostic map will be adopted, published and available to all.

6) coordination - slow emergence of organic order assured by a funding process whcih regulates the stream of individual projetcs put forward by users.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Beyond the Corporate Economy

Does the USA need a new economic system?

Over the last thirty years, economic growth has been driven entirely by debt - government, business and consumer. That doesn't say any thing good about our capitalism economy. In fact, it's a sign that the USA is in failure mode. It's time to recognize this and plan for the eventually that America's and the entire world's economies are collapsing. More importantly, we need to formulate and start creating the next way.

First, forgot thinking it's not going to happen. It's in progress as we speak. Mid-June 2012 and the EU is near ruin - Greece, Spain and Italy are in various states of fiscal failure.

Second, to prove my point - let's examine GDP growth, debt growth, changes in money supply, and several other factors that illustrate this point.

Third, what are we speaking about. To paraphase Andrew Mack, Ph.D. from New Florence, Pa in a letter to the editor in the June 2012, the Atlantic:

Sunday, June 10, 2012

More on the ACA

The ACA was an example of single-payer for the insurance industry, a few bones for the public, and placating the health providers without offending the money sources, namely the private sector that still offers health insurance to its employees. It did include the seeds of a single-payer system and the start of a universalist model, to its benefit.
The corporations want to quit providing health care insurance and the insurance companies themselves only want to offer a high-premium, up-scale add-on product.
The Republican/Romneycare model offers more of the same with double the mandate, higher premiums, weaker coverage and smaller subsidies. And a tax increase without any deductibility.
Only total fools spout crap about Obamacare's short-comings and their fantasy of no mandates. Get real you're goin' be payin' more, and by law.
If you are using health care and paying attention, only the middle-men are making any money.
The Republicans will push the USA into single-payer faster than the Democrats. Ask an insurance executive.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Romney question ?

Willard - How would you deal with a Democratic Congress that completely refuses to even look at any of your budget / governmental objectives? How about if they pretend you don't exist?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Romney out of control

Nia Malika-Henderson reports: Mitt Romney today staged an attack on Obama at a factory that closed ... under George W. Bush.
The Romney camp’s response: It would have opened again by now if it weren’t for Obama. This perfectly captures the Romney argument that, okay, yes, the economy is improving under Obama, but not fast enough.
* Or, as Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom puts it:
“The fact that it struggled through the last three years is not the fault of Barack Obama’s predecessor, it’s the fault of this administration and the failure of their policies to really get this economy going again,” he said. Fehrnstrom said that Obama “cannot take any credit for any success on the jobs front.”
“None at all,” he added

Romney the ultimate welfare queen

Romney, the ultimate welfare queen? Do you remember the myth Romney himself tells of his start with Bain Capital. How he went hat in hand to the US Government seeking tax forgetness for $10 million in taxes and how that event launched his career at Bain Capital and his and their subsequent success at leveraged buyouts, corporate turn-arounds and liquidations and sell-offs. So what part am I missing? Is he no different than a welfare queen, depending on the government to save his a**. How different would the Romney narrative be if this was the story.
Now, lets look at these numbers $10 million, I believe was the number Romeny quoted, at interest plus inflation, over 20 years, would be approximmillion.ately $250 million today. Now, add in the tax manipulation and off-shoring and Romney would owe America $100 miilion.

And this guy wants to restore 'the hope of the American Dream' - not the American dream, but its hope.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Most Basic Question

Is Romney weird? So asked the article. He asked his grandchildren to call him 'Ike'. You tell me.
The most basic question Who would you personally follow?
The most basic organized group capable of survival under even extreme conditions is the combat infantry squad of 7-10 people. Each squad has a leader and functions in a harmonious fashion with all members supporting and complementing each other. Keep in mind a combat infantry squad operates to optimize the survival of each and every member of the team as well as the team itself. Who would you follow? Who would you chose to lead the squad you're in? And why? Answer me this?

John McCain
John Boehner
Sarah Palin
Barak Obama
Nancy Pelosi
Mitch McConnell
Mitt Romney
Ron Paul
Joe Biden
Newt Gingrich
Rick Santorium
Rick Perry

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Do we have to elect Romney

Do we have to elect Romney to see what he stands for?

By trying to destroy  Obama will the Republicans destroy Romney in the process.

Why do Republicans blame Democrats for their own failings and shortcomes? We just love that 'free stuff' we get with Republican and Democratic administrations and want more, like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, Food Stamps, Small Business support, Mass Transit, Single-payer, universal Health Care;  quality free public education through grade 14; convenient, affordable child care 24/7/365 (because 90% of Americans actually workoutside the home); job training & re-training; A living wage assured through a 'realistic' mininum wage;

The budget savings we're hoping to have come from budget estimates decided  on in 2011. So, if we spend less than the projected budget estimate but more than we have, its a  spending cut and therefore reduces the deficit so we can afford a tax cut for job creators. Deficits will never be as low as they are currently no matter who is president and who controls Congress. The annual Federal deficit is the same amount  as the annual profits of Corporate America combined - what a surprise!

Because if Republicans tell you what they will do, you wouldn't vote for them.

the man who is running for President entirely based on his private sector financial success is the one who is most unwilling to share with the American people how he attained that success.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Whio has the credibility to

 explain to the American public how health care should work? That's the delemia!

Do you remember when employer-paid health insurance was virtually free. Like $5 co-pays & free prescriptions, Labs & hospita; - 20% of cost to cap / then free. Why is it that it cost that much now?  Think in terms of total dollars spent.

Monday, April 16, 2012

1% battle cry

The quote comes from the capaign manager of Rep. Scott Tipton of Colorado, who’s facing a very tough challenge in a race that is a top priority for Democrats. The campaign manager, Michael Fortney, had this to say to the Colorado Observer:
Fortney expressed confidence in Tipton’s chances, although he stopped short of predicting victory outright this fall. “With gas prices doubled, the national debt doubled, and unemployment has barely moved, we feel good,” Fortney said
Regarding the Buffet rule:
Many commentators dismiss it as a stunt, because the Buffett Rule wouldn’t solve our problems overnight, but what would?  How do you get Republicans to drop their overall lockstep opposition to more revenues from the wealthy — which many observers think is an absolutely necessary first step towards fixing our fiscal woes?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Ann Romney battle & the war on women campaign:

The attack on Ann Romney tt was brilliant !
And not what you think.
Ann, who can't campaign more than 3 days a week due to health reasons has now been totally neutralized. Every time you hear her name, see her face you will think to yourself 'never had a job' This is the message the American public will recall every time the name 'Ann Romney' comes up.
Yes, campaigning is brutal and this one is going to last 7 months. Will anyone really remember the clash that created the 'never had a job' framing. But no one will forget 'never had a job' and know exactly what that means.
Quick - 'where's the beef?', 'in your heart, . . .', 'Etch-A-Sketch',  'Severely Conservative' - see you didn't.
The war on women is over. So, the Democrats didn't sweep but they hung a prrychic victory around Romney and the Republicans. 9-1 isn't a bad record. The focus is about to shift to economic fairness.
We're in the ultimate ground game, now. One-on-one, tit for tat, attack-defend, roll with the unexpected. The battle has narrowed to 10(?) states and about 5,000-50,000 voters in each state.
So, there'll be 200 more fuck-ups over the next seven months and all will not be Rmoney. Unintented consequenes will dominate this campaign. The issue is defining a way of thinking and to the extent it is successful, is the extent Obama will win.
So far, Obama has been successful at defining the narrative and having Romney play by it, despite battling the media, Repug party, Congress, a well-financied opposition, and a apathic, un-knowledgable public.
Currently, I see three out-comes:
1) Obama wins by 10% vote & 100 electoral margin.
2) Obama wins by 2%+ vote, but less than 20 electoral.
3) Romney wins by 0%-1% vote and only less than 10 electoral.
Despite, your views on Obama, name several pluses to having Rmoney instead of BO? Do you want to bother naming the negatives.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Job Creation, Part 1.1.1

If the ultra rich can just hold on to their money, barely pay taxes and pass it on to their kids with Zero taxes, why bother creating jobs/
that's what has been going on since reagan - newagent99

Are the government/business elites turning against the system?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Exactly how many don't have

any way of getting affordable health care? the myth is a number like 23 million, what a joke! It's more like 100 million and I challenge anyone to prove my wrong.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Who do the powerful want - foreign affairs will tell you. (4-15-12)

Since WWII no one has been elected President without the approval of the Military-Industrial-Financial Combine. If I was a betting man, I would go with STAY OBAMA. The "they" was prepared to ignore his financial-domestic issues managment skills, the behind-the-scenses mechanics would handle those. But his unlikability & public ackwardness along with the foriegn policy naviete spell difficulties about his ability to manage the job. Obama is broken in, period!

Three threatening crisises at once, North Korea, Iran, and Syria.
and the right claims the USA is not an empire. Why are these all our problem? Unless we are the policeman of the entire world..

No one comes into office apprenticed or prepared to deal with the USA's foreign mess.
Obama has done well, dealing with what he inherited:
(Iraq, Iran, North Korea, world economic crisis, energy, Afghanistan, war on terror)
and now has a full plate of stuff that started once he got into office:
(Arab Spring, Syria
I believe he truly wants to keep the US out of war. Romney leaves me with doubts of indecisiveness and I question who would make up his foreign policy group. They seem bend on having another war. On the other hand, under Hillary's direct control the USA has
 Managing a successful effort that resulted in Iran pulling back from going nuclear
Rallying China to get North Korea to pull back from weapons development
Isolating Chavez
Getting Russia not to invade Ukraine
Working with the government of Afghanistan to get them to work together with us to save their own butts

Ultimately, the American people must be made aware of this and its consequences, for this is the supreme decision that will be decided in November

Friday, March 30, 2012


Just a tidbit of info. In 2008 Goldman Sachs had massive profits and paid a paltry 1.1 % in income tax. And yet President Bush and Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson gave Godldman Sachs $800 million in taxpayer funds. Can a conservative Obama-hater explain how that was okay and what President Obama did was so wrong?

Why would anyone want to return to the dismal days of 2007-8, when the bottom fell out and the Republicans stood around and watched, glad to throw it at Obama, more than glad. Why, because the recovery wasn't fast enough? What would McCain Palin have done to make it faster?

Cut taxes even more than Obama did? Make the deficit even worse? Oh, but less government spending, yeah, that would have helped - Great Depression II is what that would have created. People who vote Republican are either wealthy or crazy. No more Bush/Cheney and if Romney is supposed to be different, how?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Random thoughts

The real problem is the economic system. Both parties believe capitalism is good, therefore more of it must be better. Capitalism was a creation of the state but things function the other way around with capitalism now dictating to the state. Because capitalism is failing so to are our political parties. Neither party will collapse until its replacment is ready to take over. The extreme RW group and the leftist progressive group are both afraid to abandon the basic party because they control the money.
Capitalism is at a crossroads where the only growth opportunity is corporatizising government operations and services, a clear sign of decay.
The bigger struggle is between holding onto the past and forging a viable future. To the extent the political parties serve which choice will determine how they will survive.
So are we either,  the Biblical Sara - who could not let go of the past, or Lot - who struck out on a new, unknown path and never looked back? For most Americans, our ancestors had the courage of break away of the 'known' and head to the new world of 'unknowns'. As their descendents, we ridicule change and live in fear of our shadows. Is that what our ancestors expected from us? In about 100 years we have become a nation of wimps.

Monday, March 26, 2012


REPUBLICIAN POLICY / POSITION ON ANYTHING.  From Romney to Ryan to McConnell propose some 'Republicianist slogan' as a policy but put forth no details, material evidence to support it. Government by 'just-trust-me' / don't ask any questions.
Then, there is outright lying - say anything, ignore questions for details, support and keep lying.

Sunday, March 25, 2012



Saturday, March 24, 2012


Its not government vs. private sector but transparency that should be the battle cry. And why is infrastructure being ignored. Electric grid, wireless grid, roads, bridges, rails, water, sewerage are all in a state of collapse.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Gun

There is three indelible myths in American history regarding gun ownership. Lexington green on that cool rainy morning in April 1775 when a group of neighbors assemblied to challenge the British army attempting to enforcement of some unjust laws. The second -  the lonesome cowboy on horseback riding the open west, ever vigilant, with his rifle and pistol prepared to defend himself against rustlers and renegade Indians. The marlboro man pre-1900. Thirdly, the symbol of lawlessness, Dodge City, and what do the Earp brothers do to bring law and order to Dodge? Ban possession of firearms within the city limits. And while the Earps were no saints and would be considered law-breakers with a badge by todays standards.
Americans are conflicted about gun-possession and gun-control. I love the right to own and have my own guns. And, more importantly, buy into that idea that if the government ever goes too far or OTHERS INVADE OUR SHORES I, like my neighbors, would be ready. History books and the news are full of stories where people without their own guns are crushed by their government or a foreign power. Afterall, citizens with their own guns created this country, the United States of America, tamed the frontier, and liberated Texas and California.
Having a gun and knowing how to use it, empowers an individual like few others things . But how do we, as a society, maintain a safe and secure state when 300 million + people could all be carrying a weapon. Especially,when some are not emotionally, mentally, and socially stable, by any societal measure, to be walking about, let alone, allow to own a firearm, particularly a handgun. So let's talk straight.
Hangguns are the real issue. Yes, there are stories about the rifle-bearing nutjob shooting several people but aren't those rare. I mean on any given day, its the pistol bearing individual shooting some one, anywhere in the USA. No place is more violent on earth, at any time, than the United States.

Gun regulation is the only viable solution to the gun problem.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A High Speed Rail System, Updated 8-18-2012

High-speed railsystems ARE part of an American transportation system. Currently teh notion of high-speed rail is basically a joke in the USA, but ignoring it and its implications for the USA's future is to accept America as a second rate country. While most think of high-speed rail in the context of passenger travel, commodity movement would significantly benefit from a high-speed railsystem.

 After all, railroads built this country, with significant government help on the Federal, state and local level, and dominated this country for more than 150 years. Passenger rail traffic, including street car service was the only system for 120 years until the automobile and aircraft, also heavily subsidized subplanted passenger rail.   But why did America abandon the railroads as a major people mover system in favor of the airplane? I'm not here to debate this point, but to offer that the most effective way to revitalize America is to invest in its infrastructure, and the most effective infrastructure expenditure is rail/mass transit systems. Railroads since the 50's have been relegated it to a second tier product distribution system (primarily inter-regional) and the principal bulk/heavy-commodity distribution system. These two uses will also benefit significantly from high-speed rail corridors.

 But what works 'best' in a world of ever increasingly expensive energy is a high-speed passenger and freight rail system. An airplane system makes sense only in the context of certain distances, but convenient is the other  most important in deciding which system is best for America. Air travel is increasingly becoming too expensive and time consuming to be effective within certain parameters, the time/distance matrix. and consolidation and the long-term profit generation potential of this industry over time indicate this.
 Could rail do certain distances quicker and more effectively? For the obvious reasons absolutely! Particularly distances that currently take 1 to 3 hours by air are prefect for rail service. Adding 1 1/2 hours on the front and another 1 hour on the back would have travel times of 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours. In addition, certain air routes in this time range are served by any where from 2 to 24 flights per day.

 Freight requires trans-continental to 1 day distance to be cost-effective, would benefit from a coast-to-coast network. More on that sytem later.

So,  Using this criteria I would recommend that  America needs two systems - regional systems based upon  five regions, another five/six secondary regions  & several continental interlinks.
The trans-continental interlinks would best serve commodity shipping and provide America with a robust secondary continental passenger transportation network besides air and highway.

Here's what I would imagine.While, I'm not alone here, as this parallels the thinking of most transportation experts about our railroad future.

The five primary regional networks:
1) the West Coast/primarily California (2 routes) + Seattle-Portland.
2) Texas
3) Chicago Hub
4) Florida
5) Northeast Corridor / Boston, Providence, Connecticut, New York City, New Jersey,

The ______ secondary regional networks:
(6) Atlanta Hub
(7) Boston hub
(8) Mississippi Valley corridor

The continental interlinks:
East -
West -

. He called Chicago the capital of the mid-west. And, of course, sure enough he's right - Chicago is the capital of the mid-west and a high-speed rail system centered on Chicago would cement this position and serve to tie Chicago with the rest of the mid-western states - downstate Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa.
A hub and spoke network system with lines running:
9-1) Milwaukee, on to Green Bay
9-2) Madison, Wisc.
9-3) Dubuque, on to Minneapolis
9-4) Peoria, Springfield, on to St. Louis
9-5) Indianapolis, on to Cincinnati
9-6) Detroit, on to Toledo, on to Cleveland, on to Erie, Pa, on to Buffalo, NY.
9-7) Evansville, Ind on to Louisville, KY.
9-8) Fort Wayne, on to Columbus, on to Pittsburgh

In Addition to the Chicago hub, I envision other hubs and corridors throughout the US. With a network of 20 or so hubs and corridors, it would be easy to create several long-haul passenger runs that would be competitive in both price and time. For example, I would describe them as trunk lines - interlinked to the Chicago hub.  I envision two eastern interlinks -
6) Great Lakes - Toledo, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo,NY.
8) Fort Wayne,Columbus, Pittsburgh.

The other hubs and corridors:
3) NY State Interlink - New York City, Albany, Buffalo / with Rochester & Syracuse.
4) Pennsylvania Interlink - Philadelphia,Harrisburg, Pittsburgh,PA
5) North Carolina network - Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham, Chapel Hill, Winston-Salem, Wilmington
6) Atlanta Hub - Chattanooga, Savannah, Columbia,SC, Charleston,SC, Charlotte,NC, Birmingham,AL
8) Ohio Cross-cross - Cleveland-Columbus-Cincinnati & Toledo-Columbus-SE Ohio
9) Chicago Hub (see above)
10) Chicago-Louisville-Memphis-Vicksburg-New Orleans
11) Long-Haul - Chicago to 1-Northwest 2-Denver,Salt Lake,SF 3-LA
12) Long-Haul - New Orleans-Texas-NM-Arizona-LA
15) The Boston hub

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What's truly going on

It's only March 21st and the general election is 7 months away. The leading Republican candidate has been seen as a flip-flopper for months and today described as an 'Etch-a-Sketch' by his owner campaign  staff.  Following his victory in Illinois and the enviatiabilty of his nomination, he has adopted more positions than elements in the periodic table and struggled mightly to put away his rivals forcing him to take on 'severely' extreme positions. The primary will continue for another 1 1/2 months, then followed by the convention and finally a two month dash to the finish. Can Romney hang in there despite the tendency to self destruct and how will the election turn out?

First, his changing positions will damage him less than the left would love. No one expects him to remain the same. Of course, Obama isn't allowed but that's another point.

The election hinges now other things. The five central issues - the great recession, the end of the oil era, decline of consumerism, what is America to be for the next 250 years, and the intellectual/intelligence level of society, and America's role in the world (foreign affairs/world environment). These are inescapable.
More basically is Romney's problem with the so-called Republican 'socal-issues' base. Without them he is dead and so is the party.

I keep telling people Obama claimed a 1 degree right of center position shorting after inauguration. Its why liberals and porgressives are angry. It was prudent, as an election tactic and to force the Republicans into action or craziness - The Repugs chose the later. Now 'Etch-a-Sketch' Romney has only 3 choices - stay far right / be just like Obama or go left. For the short term, Romney seems to be trying the 'me too / I would have done it better' tactic. This will appear weak & pathetic if it continues for much longer

The fact that it's coming from one of Romney's long-time aides is stunning. An even scarier thought for conservatives: if the Romney campaign is willing to take them for granted before even clinching the nomination, imagine how quickly Romney would abandon conservatives if he ever made it to the White House.

 How can voters trust a president who has essentially admitted that he's run on a false platform and announces that people are stupid enough to believe whatever convenient thing he says next. This is solid gold (or "f ----- golden," as Rod Blagojevich would say): as

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Republican Talking -Point

This is making the rounds -


Then why is it that they attack Obama constantly for doing just that or doing the wrong thing.

And why is it that Romney constantly tells us he can do it better (than Obama).

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Income taxes

From the actual report itself (.pdf file), the following thirty companies paid ZERO income tax, as well as receiving millions...oh wait, I meant billions in tax rebates from the government.

(1) Pepco Holdings
(2) General Electric
(3) Paccar
(4) PG&E Corporation
(5) Computer Sciences
(6) NiSource
(7) CenterPoint Energy
(8) Tenet Healthcare
(9) Atmos Energy
(10) Integrys Energy Group
(11) American Electric Power
(12) Con-way
(13) Ryder System
(14) Baxter International
(15) Wisconsin Energy
(16) Duke Energy
(17) DuPont
(18) Consolidated Edison
(19) Verizon Communications
(20) Interpublic Group
(21) CMS Energy
(22) NextEra Energy
(23) Navistar International
(24) Boeing
(25) Wells Fargo
(26) El Paso
(27) Mattel
(28) Honeywell International
(29) DTE Energy
(30) Corning”

And then there's people who complain about the porrest 50% non paying any income taxes.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A simple truth about Americans

'They eat each other' - native American comment on observing the Donner party.

Tocqueville in 1831 - Americans simply can not tolerate, can not even hear, fundamental critiques of America.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thoughts on idiots

 . it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

Wm Shakespeare

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


is Baiting and Outright Lies free speech ? I don't think so - so pretty much any thing goes, but those two areas would be out of bounds.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Random notes: (updated 3/28/2013)

(feel free to comment):

- Republicans have been pushing a good dose of responsibility after the mess of  ality)2001-2009? Why is that?
- The social security tax is funding the defense dept.
- I choose to tell the story of myself as it is a compeling tale. - ancestors coming here - the myth (more compelling than their reality) - means - deisre/motivation (dis-satification)
- the tax code should favor investment not profits.
- the parasite class
- the drone class/ pathetic worshipers of the parasite class.
- I thought the states 'were the ones who can do government better"? Then why the ADA change?
-are people really simpletons? -economic/politcal dummies.
- it easier for a troll to hide behind a nome de guerre; trying speaking some facts vs. taking points.
   - have a opinion that demonstartes some depth. -why do trolls always comment in the third person?
- how much did you pay for that nonsense?
-are republican governors willingly creating single payer.
-only when you have had people in  harm's way under your direction will you know what I mean?
- what are gopers all so infantile? - bad parenting / arrested developement.-orwellian projection -          - childish drivel
- did your handlers tell you to write that
- and a man who constantly saids "me" and "I" will give a shit about you? I didnt think so!
- always take the bigger risk / confuse the enemy / alays have a Plan B.
-the military drives out the non-conformist.
- ignore what I say, pay attenttion to what I do.
-problem formulation / dealing with complexity / well-being enhancement / data assessment / creativity development.
- conversation company - customer experience / conversion strategy / content plan / collaboration with target audience.

1) What if  half the population could not afford to buy anything?
2) solar bonds
3) Why is the economy not like the NFL - what creates a better team, quality tends to win out, startegy/tactics wins out over stupidity.
4) remember fucking yourself is always easier than it looks.
5) sometimes its easier to get caught up in one's own life and forget about those around you.
6) National Development Bank
7) Truth TV
8) oligarchy/ democracy
9) people don't know who the enemy is
10) developing an American gardening style / combo of other gardening styles - japanese/french/english
use of stones/trees/shtrubs/flowering perennials/floweirng annuals/ground covers / creating patterns with the shade & light / limited use of water / rain garden.
11) capitalism creates disposable people
12) they spend more money chasing big payment than they make
13) 4 biggest expenses - health / fossil fuels / defense / money changing
14) my wife and I occasionally go on honeymoons
15) herb garden idea - after dinner drink that is a digestify (settles the stomach)
16) I enjoy every single minute of my life - richard bradigan
17) live healthy, prosperous & connected.
18) consistency / stability / continuity
1) There's a word for 'people who are in their heads too much': thinkers.
2) Solitude is a catalyst for innovation.
3) The next generation of quiet kids can and must be raised to know their own strengths.
4) Sometimes it helps to be a pretend -extrovert. There's always time to be quiet later.
5) But in the long run, staying true to your temperment is the key to finding work  you love and work that matters.
6) One genuine new relationship is worth a fistful of business cards.
7) It's OK to cross the street to avoid making small talk.
8) 'Quiet leadership' is not an oxymoron.
9) Love is essential; gregariousness is optional.
10) 'In a gentle way, you can shake the world' - Mahatma Gandhi.

New Urbanism, part 1.0

I've been emphasizing this point for years - America needs to re-invent its cities for two reasons - and this is one; the other is energy. I don't see America giving up the individual transportation module (car) any time soon (say the next 100 years) but with fossil fuels ending and thus more expensive, living in suburban is not going to work. the cost and inconvenience will not sustain itself. Small to mid-sized cities would do well as bloomer-centric hubs, particular those with good mass transit and several features that attract activity. With small electric powered cars, zones with a 5-mile radius will be ideal especially with the availibility of transit.We live in an older suburb of Chicago - 95% of everything we need is within 5 miles, everything one would want or need + rail and mass transit & easy access to 3 interstates. And yes, we have our few square feet of grass.
However, many will always live rurally and in the far out suburbs - energy and the recent economic phase shift will pull more people into the cities , particularly if cities can regain employment centers and prove 'safety.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rmoney's primary numbers will

mirror his November numbers (Feb.28 + 10% = 45%). Thus I see him doing 34% against Santorum & Paul.

Is Obama the victim of

one thousand betrayals. It got me thinking - the Catholic bishops coming out against the requiremnts to provide contraception in their health insurance struck me as a knife in the back against the President - I mean couldn't they contact him off the record, behind the scences - I mean once you call out someone in public they have all the rights to take you down. Wasn't 'The Godfather' the ultimate code of honor -  I will leave you alone and tolerate your behavior, even against me, unless you cross the line and attack me - then the gloves are off.

Second Term Behavior -

Catholic Bishops  - are they that far off the perservation ? / Did they cross the line?

Obama and "The Godfather' identity.
 What man living today exemplies the code of honor embodied in the role of Vito Corleone, from the book by the same name Its Barack Obama. He lives and practices a code of honor that is enshired in the godfaher - I don't care what you do and if its actually directed towards me I will tolerate a  great deal of verbal attack until I preceive its a betrayal of life - then and only then will I unleash all that is at my disposal. I will take you down. This has become the American code of honor.
And so how will the catholic bishops resolve this deliema- I mean they sold Obama to JohnBohner for 30 pieces of silver. And Now, exactly what do they think they have -
before all, to see, the catholic bishops exist in a world where none of their followers support their lreadership - and it is very clear. In tradiitional politics, I would be forced to resign.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Whose's the most dangerous ?

Rick or Mitt ? This is the argument among the demo left, whether you be liberal, progressive, etc. Rmoney is the easiest to beat right now (2-15-12). Does this country want a social/religious debate at this point., when economy, jobs, growth, the future of America financiallly & internationally are at stake? Rick would be all about pre-modern scientific values & an adherance to ideas of Catholism. In the end, I can't see a majority supporting him, but ?

Repugs boxed in on tax cut.

Pelosi said she would support it without amendments - now repugs are adding sh*t - will she support it or bach at the last moment? That's really the sign.

The Myths about the

Great Men. In my life I have studied the stories of George Washington, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick. The issue is with the behaviors their bibliographies install as virtues - and, in light of Malcolm Gladwin's ideas about OUTLIERS, gives one pause about who these great men really are. I mean Carnegie and Frick created very strong myths about the practice they undertook to prepare them for the capitalisyt launch.

Monday, February 13, 2012


other thoughts - 2/19/2012: What we will have to show for any recovery from the Great Recession -
Republicans complaining about Obama - particularly Mitch Daniels - when Indiana is at best a low end preformer in the recovery.
Since the Great Depression, America has gotten out of recessions the same old way - significiant government spending - has been the only tool that works - austerity has never worked, nor has cutting government employment. But big give-aways to the banks with no strings got zero. Increased government paid employment has best the most cost-effective. Infrastructure also - most visual. The most total picture after the end of this economic downturn will be that high-end government players did well - salary increases, more outsource contracting. Republicians are devilishly smart at fooling the people into believing the guy on the rung below you is the fault when the politican above is hicking in your teeth.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The real battle is over defense cuts.

This is the struggle over the future of this country. Very low taxes for the rich, starve governments of revenue, hollow out America and massive defense spending.

What level of taxation do we need to fund the government we think we want, and what’s the best way to get there?"

So which is it Mitt - things getting worst or

things getting better? Still being indecisive, then keep blaming Obama - but what's your plan?

More evidence . . .

Jonathan bernstein article @ Washington post. I predict they will lay low - Canter & boner like their roles.

Ever watch Dennis Leary's

'Rescue Me' - exposing the role of addiction in our lives. Four or Five guys are continuously going througth the addiction struggle centered around alcohol, then there is the food addiction, needy people issues. More on this series later.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Just saw this -

What happens when a government hollows out?  Private interests take control of the machinery of state to enhance and protect their profitability.  Resulting in simple looting or enacting Byzantine laws and rules that crush innovation and trample personal rights. From Global Guerrillas. Simple, to the point.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I grew up where there was RURAL

mass transit !

Yes, in Southwestern Pennsylvania from the 1890's through the early 1950's ther existed a light rail electric transit/tolley system that traversed most of Fayette, Westmoreland and Allegheny Counties. The population was largely concentrated around several (Uniontown, Connellsville, Mt Pleasant, greensburg, latrobe, mckeesport ) small cities, a dozen or so boroughs (or villages) and hundreds of little hamlets (or patches as they were know). The tolley had its own right-of-way and a schedule that operated 24-hours/365 and at frequent headways. Before the mass use of autos and TV this was the only way to get around. Besides, at Connellsville & Greensburg the trolley connected with the B&O and Pennsy to take one anywhere.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Campaign finance reform

Returning the America electoral process to a more individual citizens oriented union involves changes on three levels

1)lobbying - or influencing the public officials
3) voting - This is where I believe is where our tax dollars should go - seeing that every eligible American can and does get to vote.

2) election campaign funding This is the one I have given the most thought to. The central issue is locking down the abilitity to game the rules and creating  an envorionment that mininizes its beign gamed. Let's be honest, politicans sell their vote for a price. Its been that ways since the raise of elected officicals or what western society (ir > America calls democarcy. IT comes down controlling the flowe of the money or more directly channeling its flow. No law can close every loopwhole but we can structure an arrangement that minizes flagrant abuse and corruption and returns it to a more people-oriented democracy that the founders invisioned. I guess I grew up under the illusion that America was a people-scaled society that cared about its own. I feel its no longer that way and I don't like where it has gone. So here's my idea.
- I am against (tax/government revenues) public- financing of candidates and want the government effort to go in seeing that all americans can and  do vote. More on that in the second segment.
- ONLY registered votes can give financially to  the electoral process. - candidates, issues, any matter that resolved through electoral/vote.
- there is no limit on the amount an individual can give to any one candidate or electoral issue.
- but an individual registered voter can only fund those candidates and issues in which they can vote on. Thus every american can give to presidential election, only in state to governor/us senator, in district to Us HR, state money
- a campaign can only accept loans equial to is amount can nvere20% of the amount raised and of that only 10% of that amount can come from non-registered voters, this amount can nvere be for given. Named individuals.
- all contributions must be posted on an official website, accessible to all, within 7 days of the funds clearing.
- expenses must be posted quarterly, thirty days follwoin g the end of the quarter.

What they really don't want is 100% voting. Limits on voting and poor turnout are their tools to mantain control. Public financing of candidates would only institutionalize the existing parties - imagine politcians deciding how ,much tax dollars they are going to give themselves to run for re-election. Public financing should go toward making sure all citizens vote. Only registered voters can give to and against candidates and issues and ONLY for candidates and issues they can actually vote on. NO MORE texans deciding who's going to be the senator from North Dakota. Candidates and politicans would no longer be able to accept $$ from anyone who can not vote for them. It would greatly curb Super pacs, bundling, and lobbying contributions. 'If you can't vote on it, you can't give to it.' Since corporations can't vote, no corporate money could be used. It would force politicans to serve their constituency, the very foundation of geographic representation. Hey, if those who can vote for you wouldn't give you any money, maybe they don't want you! It would also curb careerism and allow third, fourth parties to get into the game.

President Obama's position

1) say whatever you want but do whatever you planned to do all along, that's what I thought they called 'Chicago politics'. But it's what the Repugs have been don't effectively on a national stage for 40+ years.
2) is it just me or has he staked out the position of 1 degree right to center? Given the racial assault on his presidency, the economic circumstances, and the rightleaningness of the media could one blame him?

Talk to a conservative

Talk to a conservative and they will rail against government pushing their small government, no regulation agenda. If you talk to them long enough you will invariably hear them say, "the government should do something about that".

Why has government gotten bigger?

One would think liberal & progressives have this secret agenda to expand government because, well, they just do. No its more obvious than that; 1) failure of the economic system (subsidies, favorable tax treatment, social programs to protect people, regulation - to protect the environment, public good. and 2) foreign involvement (support to corporations, militarism, foreign aid).

Now a 'Soon-to-have' was a

'having some' just awhile back.

NEWT vs. RMONEY, Part 99%

Newt is the best attack-dog the Democrats could ever get. Neither is electable. Rmoney will win the primaries and go into the convention down 15-20%. With a modest post-convention bounce he'll lose by 10%. 'There's no way to delay that trouble coming every day'. For Oven-Mitt its only going to get worse. A serial flip-flopper is an indecisive individual. If he was incharge in WWII we'd be debating whether to invade Normandy or Rock-away Beach. He is all cliche and projection.

So my prediction is Obama - 55%
                                 Oven Mitt Rmoney - 45%

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Maybe its Mitt's time to be the

NOT-ROMNEY ! Care to guess how long he will last? Its less than 10 months until the election & x months until the Republican convention. My bet is he crashes before Memorial Day.

A I can't believe it fact . . .

 The U.S. locks up more than 2 million people, more than any nation in the world. One in 48 working-age men is behind bars. A disproportionate number -- 40 percent -- are African Americans. As Michelle Alexander reported in her book, The New Jim Crow, more black men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were in slavery in the 1850s.

Monday, January 16, 2012

What is left -

only businesses left in America - playing with the tax pie, the war machine, maintaining social order, and entertaining/medicating the masses.

Read Ezra Klein's article -

the recovery president - yes, who ever is elected in 2012 will be seen has the recovery president unless, of course, the economy turns worse, war breaks out, or more tax cuts for the wealthy tank the economy.

What kind of man is John Huntsman ? (He Gone!)

I mean he quit the race ( no issue with that) then turned and did a complete endorsement of  Mitt Romney. For the last year and until just the other day he was trash talkin' Romney like he despized everything about him and. And now . . .  does he expect any of us to have any respect for him?
As of Feb15, 2012  -I still stand by this prediction.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What is Capitalism?

We're hearing a lot about the different forms of economic organization.
Let's see: several forms of capitalism - know what mercantilism was? monopoloy capitalism, venture capitalism, "voulter capitalism", traditional capitalism, money culture(Gary Hart), finance capitialism.

then there's feudalism, socialism, communism, democratic socialism,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What will the Republican Party do

about Ron Paul? He's the spoiler to the Romney presidency. Could even beat Romney in the general election.

Some thoughts about saint ron

Reagan sold weapons to the terrorist state, Iran, when the world, including us, had an arms embargo against them.
Reagan allowed terrorists to kill over 250 Marines and then ran away.
Reagan enabled and encouraged the smuggling of tons of cocaine into this country, poisoning our children.
Reagan had the most corrupt administra­­tion in history. He had more members tried, convicted, and jailed for felonies than any other in history.
Reagan's economic improvemen­­t had nothing to do with his policies. The economy only improved because the OPEC oil embargo collapsed, flooding the market with cheap energy, stimulatin­­g the economy.
Reagan raises taxes - what 11 times.
Taxed unemployment benefits
Doubled social security payroll tax so baby boomers could pay for their own social security insurance.

Monday, January 9, 2012



ROMNEY -  gaffe-prone, out-of-touch, flip-flopping, inauthentic candidate. seemed plastic and programmed, an impression that could only be exacerbated by the idea that he was laying people off and sleeping just fine.


1) WHY? / HOW?


Mitt the Plunderer

The Bain years are catching up to the Mitt. With his business record shattered, does Romney have anything to run on? The conservatives don't like him  anyway. Will the GOP have a fall back position?

Read greg Sargent's blog /Monday 1-9-2012

If romney can't defend himself from newt how will he do against axelrod ? Do Americans want a Gordon glecko?


Saturday, January 7, 2012


Will Defenses predominate?

Total Defense / Total Offense
Cincinnati - #7 - #20 = 27
Houston - #2 - #13 = 15                      HOUSTON WINS, 31-10

Detroit - #23 - #5 = 28
New Orleans - #24 - #1 = 25     NEW ORLEANS WINS / TURNOVERS STOP DETROIT, 45-28

Giants - #27 - #8 = 35               NEW YORK GIANTS WIN, 24-2
Atlanta - #12 - #10 = 22

Pittsburgh - #1 - #12 = 13
Denver - #20 - #23 = 43           DENVER TEBOWS PGH, 29-23

Green Bay -
New York - who would have thought

SanFrancisco - 49ers of old back?
New Orleans -

New England - Hey kid, you got a lot to learn
Denver -

Baltimore - incredible defenses, the best prevails.
Houston -

New York
San Francisco

New England

defenses vs. offenses

What I want from a football announcer/analysis.

What I want from a football announcer/analysis.
To the point:
1) Don't remind me about when you played. Few care, fewer remember - it doesn't seem to come with any insight  most of the time.
2) Forget the endless stats chatter, screen scroll is designed for that. Some statistical commentary is useful.
3) What fans want is analysis, why this play, why that? Whats working, what's not. Sometimes quiet is OK.
4) The announcer's role - I want play-by-play, yes I know he has to remind me about the network & everything else.
5) The analysis's role -  drop the adjectives(greatest player, etc.).
6) NFL football fans are among the most soficatered audience. Even more so than the general public is about politics.

Interesting point from Michael Tomasky -

An ultra-rich man whose economic plan helps the ultra-rich and explodes the deficit, and who can’t be honest about his own income taxes—that’s who’s leading the GOP field. Read his piece at the Daily Beast.

Casino Capitalism -

Crony Capitalism.

Saw Jeremy Rifkin on

Charlie Rose speak about Germany and their plans for implementing the Third Industrial Revolution - they are light years ahead of the USA. We're F***ed !

Friday, January 6, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The US economy, social act, and the political

situation will get very interesting through 2012. Less than 10 months until the election, with budget issues dominating government, the employment situation affecting the election. The Republicans seem to be keeping the debt/ deficit  issue in play encase the economy improves and they nolonger have that issue. But the OWS movement counters economic inequality (debt/deficit/growth battle).

Is Romney already boxed in?
 Look into this these points
 - ecomonic growth
-  debt / deficit
- employment
- social issues (abortion/gay)
- foreign affairs
- budget matters
- regulation
- infrastructure
- energy/ natural resources / climate change

People forget that Obama put several things in place (healthcare / financial reform) - against the complete opposition of the moneyed class (the people who make all their wealth off of health care and finance) - they are there awaiting a more favorable Congress and / or a more progressive management. The New Deal just didn't happen on its own, individuals put it in place.

A new direction for DEFENSE -

afterall, Defense spending is sacroscant - most of the money goes to the Church of Empire. A military built around pure national and alliance defense would look very much different. Remember this budget represents only military, the state and intelligence legs of this stool aren't under discussion.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

They are GOD on earth -

The United States Supreme Court. Thanks to John Marshall.