Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Beyond the Corporate Economy

Does the USA need a new economic system?

Over the last thirty years, economic growth has been driven entirely by debt - government, business and consumer. That doesn't say any thing good about our capitalism economy. In fact, it's a sign that the USA is in failure mode. It's time to recognize this and plan for the eventually that America's and the entire world's economies are collapsing. More importantly, we need to formulate and start creating the next way.

First, forgot thinking it's not going to happen. It's in progress as we speak. Mid-June 2012 and the EU is near ruin - Greece, Spain and Italy are in various states of fiscal failure.

Second, to prove my point - let's examine GDP growth, debt growth, changes in money supply, and several other factors that illustrate this point.

Third, what are we speaking about. To paraphase Andrew Mack, Ph.D. from New Florence, Pa in a letter to the editor in the June 2012, the Atlantic:

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