Friday, March 30, 2012


Just a tidbit of info. In 2008 Goldman Sachs had massive profits and paid a paltry 1.1 % in income tax. And yet President Bush and Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson gave Godldman Sachs $800 million in taxpayer funds. Can a conservative Obama-hater explain how that was okay and what President Obama did was so wrong?

Why would anyone want to return to the dismal days of 2007-8, when the bottom fell out and the Republicans stood around and watched, glad to throw it at Obama, more than glad. Why, because the recovery wasn't fast enough? What would McCain Palin have done to make it faster?

Cut taxes even more than Obama did? Make the deficit even worse? Oh, but less government spending, yeah, that would have helped - Great Depression II is what that would have created. People who vote Republican are either wealthy or crazy. No more Bush/Cheney and if Romney is supposed to be different, how?

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