Sunday, June 10, 2012

More on the ACA

The ACA was an example of single-payer for the insurance industry, a few bones for the public, and placating the health providers without offending the money sources, namely the private sector that still offers health insurance to its employees. It did include the seeds of a single-payer system and the start of a universalist model, to its benefit.
The corporations want to quit providing health care insurance and the insurance companies themselves only want to offer a high-premium, up-scale add-on product.
The Republican/Romneycare model offers more of the same with double the mandate, higher premiums, weaker coverage and smaller subsidies. And a tax increase without any deductibility.
Only total fools spout crap about Obamacare's short-comings and their fantasy of no mandates. Get real you're goin' be payin' more, and by law.
If you are using health care and paying attention, only the middle-men are making any money.
The Republicans will push the USA into single-payer faster than the Democrats. Ask an insurance executive.

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