Thursday, October 29, 2009

Republician Health Care Plan

It seems the Republician Health Care plan outlined on their web-site (there is still no actual plan) has nothing for seniors. Despite all their protests throughtout the summer concerning the need to protect seniors from the evil Democrats, seniors are left out. Maybe that's how the Republicians pplan to pay for their plan.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Both Political Parties seem to owe allegiance to the Corporation. But the Republicans - the leading Republicans have tricked many people into fearing government when it's really corporations and corporatism who rule government. Who are the corporate government rulers - LOBBYISTS. Republican values entail CORPORATE WELFARE, CORPORATE SOCIALISM, CORPORATE FASCISM.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009



On behave of the health care uninsured, we would like to say thanks. For what you ask? For paying for our health care because those that have insurance do. A recent study indicated that more than 10% of the average premium goes to covering the cost of caring for the uninsured. That's why we need a public option at the very minimum.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I've never seen such bunch of fools in my life. What do you have, maybe 500,000 morans (sic) running around all crazed up, foaming at the mouth about deficit spending, out-of-control government, fascism, communism, socialism, tyranny, etc., etc. I mean where have these people been the last eight, 28 years. Suddenly all concerned about their rights and the loss of their freedom and government. It's an utter disgrace. People from the Lost-Generation and the Baby-Boomers (the two most privileged generations in American history) complaining. What's more they're lead by an ex-Congressman, now multi-millionaire who's suing the US government to keep his FREE healthcare and a woman that owes the IRS $500,000 in back taxes. Its financial backing comes from Koch Industries - not exactly a grass-roots movement. I give it 18 months/ 2 years tops. Already down 6 months.

An addition to Congressman Grayson's analysis of

Republician healthcare. "If you are already using your healthcare, 'PLEASE STOP', do not continue to see the doctor, if you are in the hospital, 'PLEASE LEAVE IMMEDIATELY', as we will refuse to pay the bill." I'm seeing more and more of this in the news. Horror stories from regular Americans about how horrible their health care insurance REALLY is.