Saturday, January 7, 2012

What I want from a football announcer/analysis.

What I want from a football announcer/analysis.
To the point:
1) Don't remind me about when you played. Few care, fewer remember - it doesn't seem to come with any insight  most of the time.
2) Forget the endless stats chatter, screen scroll is designed for that. Some statistical commentary is useful.
3) What fans want is analysis, why this play, why that? Whats working, what's not. Sometimes quiet is OK.
4) The announcer's role - I want play-by-play, yes I know he has to remind me about the network & everything else.
5) The analysis's role -  drop the adjectives(greatest player, etc.).
6) NFL football fans are among the most soficatered audience. Even more so than the general public is about politics.

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