Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Some thoughts about saint ron

Reagan sold weapons to the terrorist state, Iran, when the world, including us, had an arms embargo against them.
Reagan allowed terrorists to kill over 250 Marines and then ran away.
Reagan enabled and encouraged the smuggling of tons of cocaine into this country, poisoning our children.
Reagan had the most corrupt administra­­tion in history. He had more members tried, convicted, and jailed for felonies than any other in history.
Reagan's economic improvemen­­t had nothing to do with his policies. The economy only improved because the OPEC oil embargo collapsed, flooding the market with cheap energy, stimulatin­­g the economy.
Reagan raises taxes - what 11 times.
Taxed unemployment benefits
Doubled social security payroll tax so baby boomers could pay for their own social security insurance.

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