Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Urbanism, part 1.0

I've been emphasizing this point for years - America needs to re-invent its cities for two reasons - and this is one; the other is energy. I don't see America giving up the individual transportation module (car) any time soon (say the next 100 years) but with fossil fuels ending and thus more expensive, living in suburban is not going to work. the cost and inconvenience will not sustain itself. Small to mid-sized cities would do well as bloomer-centric hubs, particular those with good mass transit and several features that attract activity. With small electric powered cars, zones with a 5-mile radius will be ideal especially with the availibility of transit.We live in an older suburb of Chicago - 95% of everything we need is within 5 miles, everything one would want or need + rail and mass transit & easy access to 3 interstates. And yes, we have our few square feet of grass.
However, many will always live rurally and in the far out suburbs - energy and the recent economic phase shift will pull more people into the cities , particularly if cities can regain employment centers and prove 'safety.

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