Monday, February 13, 2012


other thoughts - 2/19/2012: What we will have to show for any recovery from the Great Recession -
Republicans complaining about Obama - particularly Mitch Daniels - when Indiana is at best a low end preformer in the recovery.
Since the Great Depression, America has gotten out of recessions the same old way - significiant government spending - has been the only tool that works - austerity has never worked, nor has cutting government employment. But big give-aways to the banks with no strings got zero. Increased government paid employment has best the most cost-effective. Infrastructure also - most visual. The most total picture after the end of this economic downturn will be that high-end government players did well - salary increases, more outsource contracting. Republicians are devilishly smart at fooling the people into believing the guy on the rung below you is the fault when the politican above is hicking in your teeth.

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