Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Random notes: (updated 3/28/2013)

(feel free to comment):

- Republicans have been pushing a good dose of responsibility after the mess of  ality)2001-2009? Why is that?
- The social security tax is funding the defense dept.
- I choose to tell the story of myself as it is a compeling tale. - ancestors coming here - the myth (more compelling than their reality) - means - deisre/motivation (dis-satification)
- the tax code should favor investment not profits.
- the parasite class
- the drone class/ pathetic worshipers of the parasite class.
- I thought the states 'were the ones who can do government better"? Then why the ADA change?
-are people really simpletons? -economic/politcal dummies.
- it easier for a troll to hide behind a nome de guerre; trying speaking some facts vs. taking points.
   - have a opinion that demonstartes some depth. -why do trolls always comment in the third person?
- how much did you pay for that nonsense?
-are republican governors willingly creating single payer.
-only when you have had people in  harm's way under your direction will you know what I mean?
- what are gopers all so infantile? - bad parenting / arrested developement.-orwellian projection -          - childish drivel
- did your handlers tell you to write that
- and a man who constantly saids "me" and "I" will give a shit about you? I didnt think so!
- always take the bigger risk / confuse the enemy / alays have a Plan B.
-the military drives out the non-conformist.
- ignore what I say, pay attenttion to what I do.
-problem formulation / dealing with complexity / well-being enhancement / data assessment / creativity development.
- conversation company - customer experience / conversion strategy / content plan / collaboration with target audience.

1) What if  half the population could not afford to buy anything?
2) solar bonds
3) Why is the economy not like the NFL - what creates a better team, quality tends to win out, startegy/tactics wins out over stupidity.
4) remember fucking yourself is always easier than it looks.
5) sometimes its easier to get caught up in one's own life and forget about those around you.
6) National Development Bank
7) Truth TV
8) oligarchy/ democracy
9) people don't know who the enemy is
10) developing an American gardening style / combo of other gardening styles - japanese/french/english
use of stones/trees/shtrubs/flowering perennials/floweirng annuals/ground covers / creating patterns with the shade & light / limited use of water / rain garden.
11) capitalism creates disposable people
12) they spend more money chasing big payment than they make
13) 4 biggest expenses - health / fossil fuels / defense / money changing
14) my wife and I occasionally go on honeymoons
15) herb garden idea - after dinner drink that is a digestify (settles the stomach)
16) I enjoy every single minute of my life - richard bradigan
17) live healthy, prosperous & connected.
18) consistency / stability / continuity
1) There's a word for 'people who are in their heads too much': thinkers.
2) Solitude is a catalyst for innovation.
3) The next generation of quiet kids can and must be raised to know their own strengths.
4) Sometimes it helps to be a pretend -extrovert. There's always time to be quiet later.
5) But in the long run, staying true to your temperment is the key to finding work  you love and work that matters.
6) One genuine new relationship is worth a fistful of business cards.
7) It's OK to cross the street to avoid making small talk.
8) 'Quiet leadership' is not an oxymoron.
9) Love is essential; gregariousness is optional.
10) 'In a gentle way, you can shake the world' - Mahatma Gandhi.

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