Monday, November 19, 2012

The republican conondrum

Now that America has heard the top ten reasons why romney lost (going on 25 at last count), the truth is obvious, the republican message sucks.

1. Your messenger was carrying your message; romney did not create the GOP platform or pander to all of its radical constituencies on his own. Do the republicans really plan to ditch the homphobes, true believing radical Christians and those who see America as it existed fifty years ago? Romney never criticized the nut jobs nor distanced himself from their comments. Why?

2. The modern day GOP is built on separatism and dividing the country; it is called maker vs. takets, job creators vs. welfare queens, the successful vs. the food stamp nation; ready to actually practice some real inclusion with that idealogy? Talk with a republican and within a few minutes you'll hear the 'us' and 'them' line of bs.

3. Government is never the solution, it is always the problem; that is except when you want the public to bail out the banks which gambled us to the brink, when you insist on favoring industries which required corporate welfare even when profitable and when you continue to use government as tool to enforce social policies which your side favors vs. what the majority believes.

Reform requires real commitment to changing your bad habits; and the first step in that is to admit you might have some. So far what we have seen from the Jindals, Barbours and others is totally cosmetic and not substantive.

1. No one likes a loser particulary after you have chosen that loser as your standard bearer and spent a few billion to get him elected;

2. Victory has a thousand parents; defeat is an orphan;

3. Nothing is so clarifying as to have your candidate and his (your?) message rejected by a majority of the electorate.

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