Saturday, December 31, 2011


we have  ROMNEY vs NON-ROMNEY, Romney having a weak offense but tremendous defense. His super-PAC defense currently controls the Iowa game and is prepared to blow-out his opponents in  the New Hampshire game. He can then accept a tie in the South Carolina game, and would walk into the Super Bowl as the NON-OBAMA. In the Obama game, the teams OBAMA vs THE NON-OBAMA ROMNEY woul appear to present a very competitive balance or equal abilility. TN-OR defense would be fully recharged, (the non-Romney teams/factions would be the variable = would they support him as the ultimate GOP candidate, desplit their reluctance over his religion and their underlying problem the REpublicans have with Romney is the same porblem the American public should being have with Romney = if he doesn't  stand for anything, the flip=flopping, then can he make a decision? If the GOP league gets fully behind TN-OR, OBAMA team would have their hands full. With OBAMA team having no offense throughout the season and a just adequate Defense capable of winning just enough games to be in consideration, it goes into The SUPER BOWL with an even won-loss record. So it comes down to the Quarternbacks - OBAMA vs. ROMNEY & the DEFENSES (Super PACs). OBAMA needs Romney to be roughed up in the League games over the next 5 months. A contentious convention would show fractures and expose a major whole in his offense. A Romney losing his cool would be a major turn-over. Obama has to avoid a turn-over. Romney does not possess a bully-pulpit like Obama so he will have to spend to get exposure. Obama can create several drives using his office and through battling the Republican congress.

OBAMA = 16 (1-td (Turnover score, 3-fg's)
ROMNEY= 14 (2-td on offense).

OBAMA=   29   (2-TD's, 5-FG's)
ROMNEY=28    (2-TD's on OFF/ 2-TD's on DEF)

Obama's special teams - the OCCUPY movement (OWS)
Republican Vice-President Candidate
Intangible - the Economy (negative) World Political (neutral).
Unemployment / Employment
Federal Deficit
Health Care Act


'For the first time, the top export of the United States, the world's biggest gas guzzler, is fuel.
Measured in dollars, the nation is on pace this year to ship more gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel than any other single export, according to U.S. Census data going back to 1990. It will also be the first year in more than 60 that America has been a net exporter of these fuels.
Just how big of a shift is this? A decade ago, fuel wasn't even among the top 25 exports. And for the last five years, America's top export was aircraft.'

'The trend is significant because for decades the U.S. has relied on huge imports of fuel from Europe in order to meet demand. It only reinforced the image of America as an energy hog. And up until a few years ago, whenever gasoline prices climbed, there were complaints in Congress that U.S. refiners were not growing quickly enough to satisfy domestic demand; that controversy would appear to be over.'

'The last time the U.S. was a net exporter of fuels was 1949, when Harry Truman was president.'

So much for the energy independence arguement. As another blogger stated - no manufacturing left in the USA, now corporations export natural resources - third world country, anyone?

'All the pollution but none of the tax revenues'

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Interesting read - from a piece by

Michael Thomas,

'This time, I fear, the public anger will not be deflected. Confessions, not false, will be exacted. Occupy Wall Street has set the snowball rolling; you may not think much of OWS—I have my own reservations, although none are philosophical or moral—but it has made America aware of a sinister, usurious process by which wealth has systematically been funneled into fewer and fewer hands. A process in which Washington played a useful supporting role, but no more than that.
Over the next year, I expect the “what” will give way to the “how” in the broad electorate’s comprehension of the financial situation. The 99 percent must learn to differentiate the bloodsuckers and rent-extractors from those in the 1 percent who make the world a better, more just place to live. Once people realize how Wall Street made its pile, understand how financiers get rich, what it is that they actually do, the time will become ripe for someone to gather the spreading ripples of anger and perplexity into a focused tsunami of retribution. To make the bastards pay, properly, for the grief and woe they have caused. Perhaps not to the extent proposed by H. L. Mencken, who wrote that when a bank fails, the first order of business should be to hang its board of directors, but in a manner in which the pain is proportionate to the collateral damage. Possibly an excess-profits tax retroactive to 2007, or some form of “Tobin tax” on transactions, or a wealth tax. The era of money for nothing will be over.
But it won’t just end with taxes. When the great day comes, Wall Street will pray for another Pecora, because compared with the rough beast now beginning to strain at the leash, Pecora will look like Phil Gramm. Humiliation and ridicule, even financial penalties, will be the least of the Street’s tribulations. There will be prosecutions and show trials. There will be violence, mark my words. Houses burnt, property defaced. I just hope that this time the mob targets the right people in Wall Street and in Washington. (How does a right-thinking Christian go about asking Santa for Mitch McConnell’s head under the Christmas tree?) There will be kleptocrats who threaten to take themselves elsewhere if their demands on jurisdictions and tax breaks aren’t met, and I say let ’em go!
At the end of the day, the convulsion to come won’t really be about Wall Street’s derivatives malefactions, or its subprime fun and games, or rogue trading, or the folly of banks. It will be about this society’s final opportunity to rip away the paralyzing shackles of corruption or else dwell forever in a neofeudal social order. You might say that 1384 has replaced 1984 as our worst-case scenario. I have lived what now, at 75, is starting to feel like a long life. If anyone asks me what has been the great American story of my lifetime, I have a ready answer. It is the corruption, money-based, that has settled like some all-enveloping excremental mist on the landscape of our hopes, that has permeated every nook of any institution or being that has real influence on the way we live now. Sixty years ago, if you had asked me, on the basis of all that I had been taught, whether I thought this condition of general rot was possible in this country, I would have told you that you were nuts. And I would have been very wrong. What has happened in this country has made a lie of my boyhood.'

'As 2011 slithers to its end, none of the major problems that led to the crisis point three years ago have really been solved. Bank balance sheets still reek. Europe day by day becomes a financial black hole, with matter from the periphery being sucked toward the center until the vortex itself collapses. The Street and its ministries of propaganda have fallen back on a Big Lie as old as capitalism itself: that all that has gone wrong has been government’s fault. This time, however, I don’t think the argument that “Washington ate my homework” is going to work. This time, a firestorm is going to explode about the Street’s head—and about time, too.'

So Romney's guarantee

of a job for every college graduate sounds like 'just another Big-government entitlement program'. I mean where will the jobs come from - another bureaucracy counting paper-clips?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

So, its ROMNEY

- none of the other JOKERS could get it together to even get on the ballot.

Friday, December 23, 2011

I just came to a realization

my loyal friend Bella understands self-interest better than most Americans.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Corporate welfare -

 "austerity programs" do not reduce governments' deficits because austerity is nothing more than redirecting funds from domestic programs into corporate welfare programs including bank bailouts and military industrial complex costs. Government deficits will continue to grow and the serial solution will be more "austerity".     

John Boehner -

ventriloquist for the Tea Party.

When will the media bust Romney's

BIG LIE? The media currently seems to want to help the Republican elites install Romney as the nominee, but eventually the media will change and begin exposing Romney's flip-flopping. Romney will be finished about 1 month after his nomination. The American media is fickle, they build up a candidate then tear them down. With 10 months to go a lot can change but Obama has the pulpit and Romney has nothing. The Republican Congress is toxic, if Obama can tie Romney to them its over before the convention. In the end, the voters must consider if the economy will be any better under Romney than Obama.
UPDATED: 12-22-2011 - With Romney currently refusing to release his tax return and continued flip-flopping by summer he will be a very weak candidate. Will the Republicans nominate a loser?

What is the Republican end-game?

Once the wealthy have ALL the money and assets where do we go?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why is the free market so interested

in taking over the services previously offered by government? Maybe the free market doesn't really work, and its easier to get our elected officials to give them our tax revenues to privatize those formerly government services. I mean they don't deliver the services any cheaper or more effectively.


  One is the getting rid of the lower capital gains and dividend rates and the other is the top rate. The lower capital gain and dividend rate is a distorting subsidy to the stock market that sucks investment from small business into portfolio income. The top rate can be increased without damaging the economy because it's impact on disposable income is insignificant and we have had higher rates at time when we have done well.
Spending isn't the problem as much as wasted spending is the problem. When the government creates the predecessor to the internet or GPS, it is well worth the expense. When the government makes the stock market appear safe, it is well worth the expense. Such expenses if cut will not improve productivity or generate a recovery.

Can you imagine a Native American tribe

deciding to starve  half the tribe so that a few members of the tribe can have more than everyone else.

Predatory capitalism

is the same as free enterprise. I never thought a mom-and-pop grocery store was the same as buying a company, stripping its assets & throwing thousands out of work. One problem we have is there are more regulations on small businesses than on multi-nationals.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


 -- exceptionally stupid for letting the corporations get away with the plunder of our wealth and resources, natural and human.     

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Time to kick

Ron Wyden out of the US Senate. Just Saying.

Monday, December 12, 2011

So the world financial system is

So the world financial system is insolvent. Didn't Marx say something about finance capital being the highest stage of capitalism. Government (that's you and me) is being required to buy all the junk from the banks at face value plus absolve them of any taxes. There are no tax funds left to help the broad middle class get back on its feet. Remember we are paying for their wars.
We just finished the first installment, a second installment will be coming due soon - probably in 2012.
An election, two major SCOTUS decisions, world financial collapse, mass world-wide protests, climate crisises.

So you pay too much taxes - where do you want you tax dollars to go?

Do I detect the right

is starting to eat their young.  Republicans attacking other Republicans for who's the biggest crony capitalist.

Obama needs to run on

a progressive domestic platform and foreign policy direction while painting the Repug as unacceptable.

Voter turnout

Could that be the real takeaway from the republican primaries.



Sunday, December 11, 2011

A pro-football team needs

at least 4 impact players besides the quarterback & a left tackle. I'd build a defense first, followed by an offensive line. Say, on defense, an impact lineman, linebacker, and defensiveback. The either a running back or wide receiver. So, that gives a team six key players. Add another six (@b-level) + six (@B- level).
Ideally, when you substitute a defensiveback in a nickle-situation we also change in the line/lineback area where the original substitution came from. So, 11 - 1+1 = 9 + 2 = 11. total 13.
offensive line needs 8-9.

Does the Progressive movement

needs an election machine - to recruit, train, raise money, campaign. If it doesn't, why? This needs built from the ground up and operate continuously.

I'm I the only one who saw that

the real problem with a Romney presidency is not a $10k bet but his cowtowing to Israel.

What is the Republican message -

1. Lower taxes at the top margin;
2. Deregulate, particularly extractive industries;
3. End the freedom of working people to organize in their economic interest;
4. End economic protections for working people (medicare, medicaid, social security, wage protections);
5. Put poor children to work at the cost of jobs for working people who are supporting families.

And, don't forget - it's good for the rich to organize into corporations, but bad if everybody else to organize into unions.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's lookin' like Newt -

why ? because - to Republicans 'he is their last hope for THE ONE who will take down Obama in a mean, vicious way. Romney wouldn’t be vicious enough for them. ... They would nominate Hitler himself if they thought he could take out Obama…their hatred for Obama is all consuming, to the detriment of their party as a whole. And, they don’t want to just take him out, they want him to take a beating. He’s way too uppity.' The real question - does Obama have the stomach or the moxie to take it to Gingrich or would he be Mr. Wimp ?
Among independent minded people Obama's issue is  “His inability to rally the political forces, if you will, to accomplish his goal is what disappoints me." He needs to attack. Or he will be seen as weak -
 “Voters either don’t understand, or they don’t care, that the GOP has employed an unprecedented level of filibustering in order to block all of Obama’s policies, even ones that have majority public support from Dems, independents and Republicans alike. Their reaction, in a nutshell, seems to be: The Obama-led government isn’t acting on the economy? Obama can’t get his policies passed? Well, he must be weak.”
However, is the real issue the Republican effort to deny Obama any victory and his failure to see it and/or act on it. Its rooted in the bigotry and prejudice still rampant in America. Mitch McConnell said it: "We must make Obama a one term president"! The economy the TEA/GOP/Republicans are trying to paint on the president is in fact the current Congress's. The real reason this "Do Nothing! No. Not Now! Never" Congress is because Boehner's a cripple. The confrontational Terroristic Economic Antagonist(TEA) party has corrupted the mainstream Republican party with their fringe, narrow-minded people. Their Guru is Grover Norquist and his Americans for tax Reform PAC, which has never proven lowering taxes would generate jobs. There has been no give and take benefiting the general population, but contentious bickering over taxation increases to the most affluent of America. The killing of finances for programs for the infra-structure and children is the heights of irresponsibility. It  just goes to show how insane the Republican determination not to allow Obama ANY success is.

The right doesn't like it when

a progressive/liberal labels them with a blanket phase but the right does it automatically without ever thinking.

Bloomberg ?

the third way candidate?

Fiscal conservatism

has always been a fiction,  all it means is cutting government programs that don't affect you. There's no real constituency for that.

If you're stuck in the middle

you weren't going anywhere to begin with.

You don't believe an idea because its true -

it's true because you believe it. The paradox of the right and their odd belief system. The truth is
they believe we are a nation founded on biblical principles when in fact, our declaration and constitution are founded on protestant and enlightenment principles. Martin Luther led the reformation of the church because he found no leadership of the Catholic Church, which at the time, was selling indulgences to finance the building of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. In other words, the Church-the moral authority in Christendom-was telling people that Sin was okay, IF YOU COULD PAY FOR IT.

We find ourselves facing a similar situation now with the far right wing of government, willing to sell indulgences to Wall Street, to Big Business, to Big Oil, so long as they set a little of the profit of their immorality aside to feed the gate keepers. We now are in need another Martin Luther, a protestant reformer willing and able to challenge the morality of the gate keepers of our democracy, the SCOTUS, and our representatives and insist that government reform itself, or face the reform of the people. The President can only lead where people are willing to follow, and the disappointment in Obama has been his willingness to accept big finance and big business and big oil, as his superior and follow them and his unwillingness to stand up to them as Martin Luther did.

Why would rich people spend

their wealth on job creation? Altruism? Innate goodness? Especially when the returns from stock/bond trading are much better and less risky.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Voucher health care plan

50 $20 off Starbucks coupons - first off no coupons for your mandated two weeks of no pay, why starbucks - because that's where your doctor will be working once the health care industry collapses.




Wake up - Christian Conservatives & Tea Partiers.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Headline says it all -

30 big corporations spent more for lobbying than they paid in taxes. Is this what the Tea Party supports? Also, 265 corporations have stiffed the states for $42.7 billion. So who is supporting government.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The choices (someone else's opinion)

"I don't think this is about saving America's about deciding the shape of the decline and what comes afterward. Left/progressive guidance could take us to something better..less harmful toward the earth, less reliant on religious delusion, perhaps a shade more enlightened. The right wing/republican path is toward militarization, control, obedience, and submission to overwhelming corporate and government power. EITHER WAY, the country as we knew it IS going down..this is a fight over the future."
        "The type of environment this would create would be much more honest than what we have now. The true nature of government would be so clear that even the average american idiot could see it. As long as a large % of americans think that this government is basically "good" and helpful then real solutions will not happen. you have to get rid of the illusions first. This is why police violence is so helps everyone see their true nature. And I think it really DOES take that; it really DOES have to be that obvious, before people will finally GET IT."

The republican strategy

- they don't care about the Presidency - they want to hang Great Depression II on Obama and the democrats, besides from 2013 through 2017 economy isn't likely to get significantly better particularly
 if they are in a position to obstruct - therefore the goal is to improve their strength in the House and win majority control in the senate. Romney would do the least damage to the down ticket races.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Why do we have Debt ?

On the surface it appears we have debt because we want to spend more for government than it generates. But who decides what government will spend $ on and why tax rates are what they are. The rational doesn't make any sense to me and to most people I speak with. It seems in most of my adult life government has run a deficit. It seems politicans want to reduce tax revenue and give tax money to entities. For some of these entites what they receive in tax revenue business is far and away more than they supply in tax moneies.
For me this is the central problem.
There is also a more significant issue in play. In the 40's,50's, 60's & 70's  if one wanted to make money one went into the private sector. Since Reagan business as moved to take over government. By now its hard to name a corporation that doesn't have government 'business'. They seem  to provide inadequate, incompetent service, over-priced products & services and constantly demand to pay less and less in taxes at the same time.
Now we are at a crossroads - the idea of being an individual citizen in america has become a myth - the new definition of citizen has come to be a corporation or the interests of the '1%' as well as the top 5% (?). Political office is viewed as a way to become rich This is the central problem with the voter group - electing individuals who don't serve the voters interests or more clearly - the voters don't seem to know their own interests.

Read an interesting piece on

the NEWT - the shock-jock candidate.The best face-off would be between Obama and the Newt. Newt is the best Republican in the field and stands for everything Republican - it would be a complete repudiation of all things Republican & would get this country moving. What will be the lesson of 2012?
Obama would have to go progressive against the Newt where as he could be centralist against Romney. The race would be close through the summer then about 2 months out  it would go overwhelmingly Obama.  People don't vote hate and the general public will suddenly see Newt and the Republican party as what it really is. I do see a people's victory. The extreme right will stay home and hide. Economic fairless is a comin'. The debate would be about issues vs. talking points/one-liners (granted not very indepth).

Friday, December 2, 2011

Who's really running for President ?

I mean besides Romney no one as a staff or ground game including Newt, except Perry. Who would get Perry's campaign organization if he drops out. That's The person we need to watch for.