Saturday, December 31, 2011


we have  ROMNEY vs NON-ROMNEY, Romney having a weak offense but tremendous defense. His super-PAC defense currently controls the Iowa game and is prepared to blow-out his opponents in  the New Hampshire game. He can then accept a tie in the South Carolina game, and would walk into the Super Bowl as the NON-OBAMA. In the Obama game, the teams OBAMA vs THE NON-OBAMA ROMNEY woul appear to present a very competitive balance or equal abilility. TN-OR defense would be fully recharged, (the non-Romney teams/factions would be the variable = would they support him as the ultimate GOP candidate, desplit their reluctance over his religion and their underlying problem the REpublicans have with Romney is the same porblem the American public should being have with Romney = if he doesn't  stand for anything, the flip=flopping, then can he make a decision? If the GOP league gets fully behind TN-OR, OBAMA team would have their hands full. With OBAMA team having no offense throughout the season and a just adequate Defense capable of winning just enough games to be in consideration, it goes into The SUPER BOWL with an even won-loss record. So it comes down to the Quarternbacks - OBAMA vs. ROMNEY & the DEFENSES (Super PACs). OBAMA needs Romney to be roughed up in the League games over the next 5 months. A contentious convention would show fractures and expose a major whole in his offense. A Romney losing his cool would be a major turn-over. Obama has to avoid a turn-over. Romney does not possess a bully-pulpit like Obama so he will have to spend to get exposure. Obama can create several drives using his office and through battling the Republican congress.

OBAMA = 16 (1-td (Turnover score, 3-fg's)
ROMNEY= 14 (2-td on offense).

OBAMA=   29   (2-TD's, 5-FG's)
ROMNEY=28    (2-TD's on OFF/ 2-TD's on DEF)

Obama's special teams - the OCCUPY movement (OWS)
Republican Vice-President Candidate
Intangible - the Economy (negative) World Political (neutral).
Unemployment / Employment
Federal Deficit
Health Care Act

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