Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's lookin' like Newt -

why ? because - to Republicans 'he is their last hope for THE ONE who will take down Obama in a mean, vicious way. Romney wouldn’t be vicious enough for them. ... They would nominate Hitler himself if they thought he could take out Obama…their hatred for Obama is all consuming, to the detriment of their party as a whole. And, they don’t want to just take him out, they want him to take a beating. He’s way too uppity.' The real question - does Obama have the stomach or the moxie to take it to Gingrich or would he be Mr. Wimp ?
Among independent minded people Obama's issue is  “His inability to rally the political forces, if you will, to accomplish his goal is what disappoints me." He needs to attack. Or he will be seen as weak -
 “Voters either don’t understand, or they don’t care, that the GOP has employed an unprecedented level of filibustering in order to block all of Obama’s policies, even ones that have majority public support from Dems, independents and Republicans alike. Their reaction, in a nutshell, seems to be: The Obama-led government isn’t acting on the economy? Obama can’t get his policies passed? Well, he must be weak.”
However, is the real issue the Republican effort to deny Obama any victory and his failure to see it and/or act on it. Its rooted in the bigotry and prejudice still rampant in America. Mitch McConnell said it: "We must make Obama a one term president"! The economy the TEA/GOP/Republicans are trying to paint on the president is in fact the current Congress's. The real reason this "Do Nothing! No. Not Now! Never" Congress is because Boehner's a cripple. The confrontational Terroristic Economic Antagonist(TEA) party has corrupted the mainstream Republican party with their fringe, narrow-minded people. Their Guru is Grover Norquist and his Americans for tax Reform PAC, which has never proven lowering taxes would generate jobs. There has been no give and take benefiting the general population, but contentious bickering over taxation increases to the most affluent of America. The killing of finances for programs for the infra-structure and children is the heights of irresponsibility. It  just goes to show how insane the Republican determination not to allow Obama ANY success is.

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