Saturday, December 10, 2011

You don't believe an idea because its true -

it's true because you believe it. The paradox of the right and their odd belief system. The truth is
they believe we are a nation founded on biblical principles when in fact, our declaration and constitution are founded on protestant and enlightenment principles. Martin Luther led the reformation of the church because he found no leadership of the Catholic Church, which at the time, was selling indulgences to finance the building of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. In other words, the Church-the moral authority in Christendom-was telling people that Sin was okay, IF YOU COULD PAY FOR IT.

We find ourselves facing a similar situation now with the far right wing of government, willing to sell indulgences to Wall Street, to Big Business, to Big Oil, so long as they set a little of the profit of their immorality aside to feed the gate keepers. We now are in need another Martin Luther, a protestant reformer willing and able to challenge the morality of the gate keepers of our democracy, the SCOTUS, and our representatives and insist that government reform itself, or face the reform of the people. The President can only lead where people are willing to follow, and the disappointment in Obama has been his willingness to accept big finance and big business and big oil, as his superior and follow them and his unwillingness to stand up to them as Martin Luther did.

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