Is a great illustration of the outright lies, half truths and dumbed down rhetoric that they use to craft revisionist history for their low level information voters. They don't realize a revolution is brewing, people in the country are living in a hologram of the what America once was, the only thing they have left is some residual wealth from when America was real.
There are a lot of wide awake Americans, polls shows about 70% of the people want taxes raised, defense spending cut, they want them to leave SS and Medicare off the table, they want unions, they want marijuana legalized, they approve of OWS, and disapprove of the TP. All that is ignored. Our country is not stupid, our media and our politicians think so, hence the bright spotlight on our captured and sold out citizenry in the TP, even if only 40 gets bussed in. In this gaudy tapestry they have created, Romney is delusional enough to think he can push through yet another Corporate Tax Holiday! Cain thinks Greenspan was great, and the fools want more cowbells for the MIC. More dumping. More of the same that got us into this deep dark hole.
The facade being presented is conjured up to keep you thinking you're the minority, to doubt your judgement, to give up. We can't. There are millions living already on the edge of desperation. You know where you can go this weekend to do your bit. Make it so.
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