Friday, January 26, 2007


I plan this to be the first in a running series on health care and health care insurance.

The Shrub SOTU Plan.

The Bush health care plan is DOA and all of us know it but the problem is horseshit like this is often taken seriously and typically frames further discussion.

Inherent problems that I see immediately:

- A set tax deduction regardless of the actual cost of health insurance - can anyone in their right mind imagine the price being less? And like you're going to be able to pocket the difference (holy welfare queens!). This reminds me of energy deregulation and all of its promises. I would expect costs to go through the roof because we will all be buying insurance as individuals - not groups.

- What's to stop every employer from dropping health insurance all together. Most want to now. I mean the cost of insurance is suddenly pure profit. They wouldn't be required to raise wages/salaries accordingly.

- I don't believe insurers are going to step in to serve this new market. Think - Excessively high administrative costs! And if they do premiums will go through the roof as costs surge.

I'll deal with Bush's mindset later.

We need health care, not health care insurance . . . B.L.Dancer

1 comment:

KAZ said...

The only redeeming quality I can see in the Chimp's DOA plan, is its underlying theme of trying to disconnect health care from employment. Portability, pre-existing conditions, Chapter 11/no COBRA, all of these issues need to be removed from system, in this, the richest country in the world. Single payer, baby!