“The fact that it struggled through the last three years is not the fault of Barack Obama’s predecessor, it’s the fault of this administration and the failure of their policies to really get this economy going again,” he said. Fehrnstrom said that Obama “cannot take any credit for any success on the jobs front.”
Romney, the ultimate welfare queen? Do you remember the myth Romney himself tells of his start with Bain Capital. How he went hat in hand to the US Government seeking tax forgetness for $10 million in taxes and how that event launched his career at Bain Capital and his and their subsequent success at leveraged buyouts, corporate turn-arounds and liquidations and sell-offs. So what part am I missing? Is he no different than a welfare queen, depending on the government to save his a**. How different would the Romney narrative be if this was the story.
Now, lets look at these numbers $10 million, I believe was the number Romeny quoted, at interest plus inflation, over 20 years, would be approximmillion.ately $250 million today. Now, add in the tax manipulation and off-shoring and Romney would owe America $100 miilion.
And this guy wants to restore 'the hope of the American Dream' - not the American dream, but its hope.
Is Romney weird? So asked the article. He asked his grandchildren to call him 'Ike'. You tell me.
The most basic question Who would you personally follow?
The most basic organized group capable of survival under even extreme conditions is the combat infantry squad of 7-10 people. Each squad has a leader and functions in a harmonious fashion with all members supporting and complementing each other. Keep in mind a combat infantry squad operates to optimize the survival of each and every member of the team as well as the team itself. Who would you follow? Who would you chose to lead the squad you're in? And why? Answer me this?
John McCain
John Boehner
Sarah Palin
Barak Obama
Nancy Pelosi
Mitch McConnell
Mitt Romney
Ron Paul
Joe Biden
Newt Gingrich
Rick Santorium
Rick Perry
Do we have to elect Romney to see what he stands for?
By trying to destroy Obama will the Republicans destroy Romney in the process.
Why do Republicans blame Democrats for their own failings and shortcomes? We just love that 'free stuff' we get with Republican and Democratic administrations and want more, like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, Food Stamps, Small Business support, Mass Transit, Single-payer, universal Health Care; quality free public education through grade 14; convenient, affordable child care 24/7/365 (because 90% of Americans actually workoutside the home); job training & re-training; A living wage assured through a 'realistic' mininum wage;
The budget savings we're hoping to have come from budget estimates decided on in 2011. So, if we spend less than the projected budget estimate but more than we have, its a spending cut and therefore reduces the deficit so we can afford a tax cut for job creators. Deficits will never be as low as they are currently no matter who is president and who controls Congress. The annual Federal deficit is the same amount as the annual profits of Corporate America combined - what a surprise!
Because if Republicans tell you what they will do, you wouldn't vote for them.
the man who is running for President entirely based on his private sector financial success is the one who is most unwilling to share with the American people how he attained that success.
explain to the American public how health care should work? That's the delemia!
Do you remember when employer-paid health insurance was virtually free. Like $5 co-pays & free prescriptions, Labs & hospita; - 20% of cost to cap / then free. Why is it that it cost that much now? Think in terms of total dollars spent.
The quote comes from the capaign manager of Rep. Scott Tipton of Colorado, who’s facing a very tough challenge in a race that is a top priority for Democrats. The campaign manager, Michael Fortney, had this to say to the Colorado Observer:
Fortney expressed confidence in Tipton’s chances, although he stopped short of predicting victory outright this fall. “With gas prices doubled, the national debt doubled, and unemployment has barely moved, we feel good,” Fortney said
Regarding the Buffet rule:
Many commentators dismiss it as a stunt, because the Buffett Rule wouldn’t solve our problems overnight, but what would? How do you get Republicans to drop their overall lockstep opposition to more revenues from the wealthy — which many observers think is an absolutely necessary first step towards fixing our fiscal woes?
And not what you think.
Ann, who can't campaign more than 3 days a week due to health reasons has now been totally neutralized. Every time you hear her name, see her face you will think to yourself 'never had a job' This is the message the American public will recall every time the name 'Ann Romney' comes up. Yes, campaigning is brutal and this one is going to last 7 months. Will anyone really remember the clash that created the 'never had a job' framing. But no one will forget 'never had a job' and know exactly what that means. Quick - 'where's the beef?', 'in your heart, . . .', 'Etch-A-Sketch', 'Severely Conservative' - see you didn't.
The war on women is over. So, the Democrats didn't sweep but they hung a prrychic victory around Romney and the Republicans. 9-1 isn't a bad record. The focus is about to shift to economic fairness. We're in the ultimate ground game, now. One-on-one, tit for tat, attack-defend, roll with the unexpected. The battle has narrowed to 10(?) states and about 5,000-50,000 voters in each state.
So, there'll be 200 more fuck-ups over the next seven months and all will not be Rmoney. Unintented consequenes will dominate this campaign. The issue is defining a way of thinking and to the extent it is successful, is the extent Obama will win.
So far, Obama has been successful at defining the narrative and having Romney play by it, despite battling the media, Repug party, Congress, a well-financied opposition, and a apathic, un-knowledgable public. Currently, I see three out-comes: 1) Obama wins by 10% vote & 100 electoral margin. 2) Obama wins by 2%+ vote, but less than 20 electoral. 3) Romney wins by 0%-1% vote and only less than 10 electoral.
Despite, your views on Obama, name several pluses to having Rmoney instead of BO? Do you want to bother naming the negatives.
If the ultra rich can just hold on to their money, barely pay taxes and pass it on to their kids with Zero taxes, why bother creating jobs/ that's what has been going on since reagan - newagent99
Are the government/business elites turning against the system?
any way of getting affordable health care? the myth is a number like 23 million, what a joke! It's more like 100 million and I challenge anyone to prove my wrong.
Since WWII no one has been elected President without the approval of the Military-Industrial-Financial Combine. If I was a betting man, I would go with STAY OBAMA. The "they" was prepared to ignore his financial-domestic issues managment skills, the behind-the-scenses mechanics would handle those. But his unlikability & public ackwardness along with the foriegn policy naviete spell difficulties about his ability to manage the job. Obama is broken in, period!
Three threatening crisises at once, North Korea, Iran, and Syria.
and the right claims the USA is not an empire. Why are these all our problem? Unless we are the policeman of the entire world..
No one comes into office apprenticed or prepared to deal with the USA's foreign mess.
Obama has done well, dealing with what he inherited:
(Iraq, Iran, North Korea, world economic crisis, energy, Afghanistan, war on terror)
and now has a full plate of stuff that started once he got into office:
(Arab Spring, Syria
I believe he truly wants to keep the US out of war. Romney leaves me with doubts of indecisiveness and I question who would make up his foreign policy group. They seem bend on having another war. On the other hand, under Hillary's direct control the USA has Managing a successful effort that resulted in Iran pulling back from going nuclear Rallying China to get North Korea to pull back from weapons development Isolating Chavez Getting Russia not to invade Ukraine Working with the government of Afghanistan to get them to work together with us to save their own butts
Mubarrak's gone. So's Quaddhafi. Assad's on the way out, and it hasn't turned in to a war with Turkey (yet). Bin Laden's is dead.
The Republicans - started two wars with zero national gain, and burned four trillion dollars in the desert. Left Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and North Korea up in the air.
Ultimately, the American people must be made aware of this and its consequences, for this is the supreme decision that will be decided in November