Tuesday, February 13, 2007


According to John Boehner (House Minority Leader) on Sunday's Meet The Press, he doesn't see many Republican (defections) members voting for the Democratic party's Iraq war resolution. In John's words . . . he kind of mumbled, "I don't look at the numbers" to Tim Russert's question.

Well let's see, there are presently 202 Republican members of the U.S. House. So a 10% defection would be 20 members. The media talking heads are saying 30, maybe 60, definitely 'dozens likely to join vote'. That's . . . well it's a whole lot!

What do you think? I'll publish the defection numbers after the voting, it will tell us who's afraid.
Meanwhile, John Boehner is either (a) a bad liar, (b) poor at math, (c) doesn't know his own members (d) doesn't talk to anyone except Bush.

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