Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Follow the money
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
What the Republican Party now stands for:
(2) demands that a hypothetical uninsured American be left to die rather than be treated
(3) booed an active-duty soldier because he was gay.
So no one is going to start a business
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The average American maintains
Saw this survey the other day -
When did we stop building
Monday, September 19, 2011
The republican congressman who can't
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
2) why do Republicans want to privatize public education? On the surface I thinks its to improve education and to break the teachers union, however I believe its so they can charge in excess of the tax subsidy a parent would receive therefore they can offer student loans to attend K-12 grades, thus keeping the middle class in debt forever.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The greatest long con ever
From 1935 until 1983, Social Security had always been a "pay as you go" system. Current workers paid into the fund; retirees, widows and orphan received that money in their payments. Greenspan 's plan went like this: Double the amount retained from wages that the Boomers paid into the system. These overpayments would create a huge surplus. When the Boomers aged to the point of collecting Social Security, the surplus (savings) would be eaten into. After the Boomers died, the surplus would have been depleted. At that point (around 2035) the system would revert back to "pay as you go."
The NCSSR's report was enacted, and the 1983 Amendments to the SSA were the result. When Reagan signed the law, he made this statement:
will pay off. These amendments guarantee it. And younger people can feel confident that Social Security will still be around when they need it to cushion their retirement.[emphasis mine]
Since 1983, the extra money that has been collected from every paycheck of every low-wage earner is invested in special series, non-marketable U.S. Treasury securities - the Social Security Trust Fund (SSTF). This is why Americans who state that they have been "investing" in the Social Security System are absolutely correct. They have been both paying for current retirees and saving for payments to future retirees (themselves, theoretically.)
The SSTF right now is actually $2.5 Trillion of government debt - three times what the Chinese and the Federal Reserve now own.. We know that the money in SSTF was supposed to remain "off budget." (Remember Al Gore's "lockbox"?)
Congress has been borrowing these funds to balance the budget. When you hear the Republicans screaming about the huge long-term debt this country has, remember that the great bulk of it is a debt that we owe ourselves. It is the money that the American workers has been paying into this system for the past thirty years, and then loaning to Congress so that things like unfunded wars and tax cuts for the wealthiest are affordable.
Now the day is coming when the American people as a whole have to actually pay back the Americans who have been putting money into the SSTF for 30 years. In order to do this, we would have to cut our Defense Budget AND end the tax cuts to the wealthiest. But the GOP doesn't want to do this! It would cut into their own private income streams. Their solution is to simply end the Social Security program instead. They plan to keep all the FICA money we've been paying in - for themselves.
So Rick Perry and the GOP are talking about Social Security as a "Ponzi scheme," as bankrupt. This is only the wind-up of a theft that they have been planning for at least 20 years, ever since they began to make the argument that "Social Security won't be there for younger workers." Bush's proposal to privatize Social Security was predicated on that fallacious supposition (another "Social Security solvency scare" begun in 2001). But now, the GOP and the Plutocrats are under tremendous pressure to get the money out of the SSTF before it is depleted by Baby Boomer payouts. They want to end Social Security and its payouts- just as the very generation the tail end of the Boomers, which has been payingAMERICANS SEEM TO HAVE LOST
Monday, September 5, 2011
America has several major problems
if one considers 'deficit' spending has stimulative then the USA has been stimulating the economy for 30 years - with zero results.
Military spending isn't producing anything except a handful of jobs at a cost of millions per job.
America started its deindustrialization in the 70's as old industrial plants and technology became out-dated and the huge industrial companies modernized overseas, seeking low-cost environments while lobbying government to expand free trade 'partners" and tax incentivize imports.
The future economy receives no government help because it is crowded out be tax assistance to the old industry / energy - at a cost of approximately $50 billion a year.
As a America shifted from manufacturing to a service/ transfer economy far less jobs are needed at significantly less cost, while a open border policy flooded America with millions of cheap labor workers.
Now the transfer/financial economy is leaving America killing the last of the middle class jobs while continuing the military adventurism to support American flag companies and the energy appetite of a addicted society - are you prepared to pay $20 a gallon to drive 5 miles to get a $10 gallon of milk in you're 8 mph SUV?
The American economy is crumbing and the rich are demanding massive tax cuts (in the pretext of resurrecting it) before they flee (note the massive profits kept off shore). They have got millions(Tax Party et al.) bought into scheme thinking there are enough seats on the TITANIC. Well its due to sail soon. Are you sure you will be included?
I didn't think Obama was an FDR but I thought he saw this dynamic and would move to reposition the American economy - however he has proven to be owned and controlled by the elites. I guess he would never have been elected otherwise. Call me paranoid but no one has been elected Prez who didn't have the approval of the MIC since WWII.Our country may need to collapse before we can rebuild it.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Where's the progressive we thought we elected ?
How did we go
If Perry is elected Prez
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The Republican Game Plan
What he has to say is damning for Republicans, but he doesn't spare Democrats, either.
Please read this in its entirely There's way too much important stuff to quote all the important sections.
"The reader may think that I am attributing Svengali-like powers to GOP operatives able to manipulate a zombie base to do their bidding. It is more complicated than that. Historical circumstances produced the raw material: the deindustrialization and financialization of America since about 1970 has spawned an increasingly downscale white middle class - without job security (or even without jobs), with pensions and health benefits evaporating and with their principal asset deflating in the collapse of the housing bubble. Their fears are not imaginary; their standard of living is shrinking.
What do the Democrats offer these people? Essentially nothing. Democratic Leadership Council-style "centrist" Democrats were among the biggest promoters of disastrous trade deals in the 1990s that outsourced jobs abroad: NAFTA, World Trade Organization, permanent most-favored-nation status for China. At the same time, the identity politics/lifestyle wing of the Democratic Party was seen as a too illegal immigrant-friendly by downscaled and outsourced whites.<3>
While Democrats temporized, or even dismissed the fears of the white working class as racist or nativist, Republicans went to work. To be sure, the business wing of the Republican Party consists of the most energetic outsourcers, wage cutters and hirers of sub-minimum wage immigrant labor to be found anywhere on the globe. But the faux-populist wing of the party, knowing the mental compartmentalization that occurs in most low-information voters, played on the fears of that same white working class to focus their anger on scapegoats that do no damage to corporations' bottom lines: instead of raising the minimum wage, let's build a wall on the Southern border (then hire a defense contractor to incompetently manage it). Instead of predatory bankers, it's evil Muslims. Or evil gays. Or evil abortionists.
How do they manage to do this? Because Democrats ceded the field. Above all, they do not understand language. Their initiatives are posed in impenetrable policy-speak: the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The what? - can anyone even remember it? No wonder the pejorative "Obamacare" won out. Contrast that with the Republicans' Patriot Act. You're a patriot, aren't you? Does anyone at the GED level have a clue what a Stimulus Bill is supposed to be? Why didn't the White House call it the Jobs Bill and keep pounding on that theme?"
Lofgren also says that the Republican Party of 2011 believes in only three tenets, with the rest of their platform just window dressing. These are their core beliefs:
1. They care solely and exclusively about their rich contributors.
2. They "worship at the altar of Mars" in their enthusiasm for invading other countries.
3. They pander to religious fundamentalists, resulting in the normalizing of what would once have been considered reactionary or quaint beliefs, and also resulting in the spread of anti-intellectualism and hostility to science.
Why did Republicans stop acknowledging
So republicans have completely abandon their old reverence for the small/medium independent business person while pretending its all about them.